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CVV Flyer

Citizens for Verifiable Voting,

I have typed up the mission statement for
the CVV as a flyer to be distributed,
and included email and web site links.
The file is attached to this email.

It's in Word97/2000/XP format, and should be readable
by any recent version of MS Word since 1997,
or OpenOffice.org, which is Word compatible and FREE.

I have not changed the wording of the mission statement.
I have only changed the size and added real bullets.
Nothing fancy at all.

Unfortunately, it doesn't fit on half a page unless I
chop off some of the mission statement, which I am not
willing to do.

I have included a comment about the next meeting time
but the PLACE needs to be changed.
Check the bcv@xxxxxxxxxxx email list to find out what
the next meeting place is, and change the text accordingly.

I hope that this is helpful. 

-Christian Rudolph

Attachment: CVV_flyer.doc
Description: MS-Word document