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Re: Proposed Agenda for 11/12 Mtg

Good agenda, Joe.
1) I agree an overview is needed, despite Evan's rather crusty opposition.  New people won't get it unless they understand the basics.  Even savvy people who more or less do get it miss key points, dates, etc.  It's a complex issue.
2) I have spoken to Linda regarding a meeting; she's amenable.  I will see her and/or Tom H. tomorrow to nail down a time this week.  I would like to submit in advance to her some questions so she can be prepared for them.  Please send me one two significant questions.   
3) I think we need more in the "action/what to do" "Next Steps" category. 
a) Editorial board meeting status?
b) I submitted an 800 word editorial piece to several of you but never recieved any feedback (don't worry, I'm not sensitive); should we submit that (with or without additional editing) to the Camera for this Sunday or next?  If they aren't interested then let's go immediately to the Daily, Times-Call, the Post, etc.
c) Coordinated letter writing campaign, meaning 5 or so letters each week for the next several weeks to each media outlet: Camera, Daily, Post, etc.
d) Get volunteers to contact the numerous local chapters of organizations who might support us: Sierra Club, NARAL, NOW, various CU clubs and organizations, Green Party, Dean for Prez, Kucinich for Pres, Republican Party, Libertarians, etc. and try to have their formal endorsements by, say, November 27th (about 2 weeks from tomorrow). Maybe get other groups like League of Women Voters, Common Cause, etc. to reconsider their rather surprising nonopposition to electronic voting.
e) Meeting with County Clerk (mentioned above). 
f) ????????????



joe pezzillo <jpezzillo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Comments/Changes/Additions/Feedback (anything I overlooked?), please:

Proposed Agenda

- there was a comment that introductions should be required so that
people working together via e-mail can learn who the other folks are in
their group. Nothing more than a name and affiliation if any? Hopefully
with the added promo, we'll have many more folks present, may be
difficult if too many.

Brief Review of Situation for New Attendees
- The mess we're in and how we got here in 60 seconds
- Boulder County urgent action needed - Deadlines looming
- Nationally, here's what's happening and what you can do (hr2239)

Report on Last meeting / Updates on Sub-Group Actions
- Additional review of Statement / finalization (it's already in use)
- Subgroups: Commissioners - met with one on Friday; County Election
Folks - Kell?; Media/Outreach - KGNU, CoDaily, Camera (DCTV next week)

Plan Next Steps
- additional letter writing campaign? e-mail petition for Boulder
County (only)?

[discussion / q & a for new folks?]

Does anyone have a superior resource sheet they could send me (or
should I use the one on the website or are there other recommendations
that are practical by tomorrow afternoon)? I can get the copies



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