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Pls Contact Papers re: Bev Harris/BBV News

I just got off the phone with Elizabeth Clark of Daily
Camera. I said I'm with BCV, and urged her to give
coverage to the http://www.blackboxvoting.org press
conference material. I pointed her to the bbv site for
further details.

She asked if there is a local connection, I said it's
really nationwide, and noted the recent developments
with Boulder County Clerks/Commisioners wrt e-voting
purchases. She said they'd look at bbv.org & on the
wires (AP) and see what they could distill from it

Could some other BCVers rattle the cages of some of
the other papers? This is fresh gasoline for our fire,
any and all raising of public awareness is key to our
cause.  -Tom Rategan 

Note: forwarded message attached.

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http://www.blackboxvoting.org has been updated. News
conference has been underway for an hour, so check
that BBV.org page directly, since further updates are


Tuesday Dec 16, 2003 

What we have, in Washington State, is this: 

We?ve got the state election director misstating when
versions were certified, somebody at the secretary of
state?s office signing off on software with no NASED
number, and when we try to find out what software is
actually authorized, we get the buffalo shuffle. We?ve
got a convicted drug dealer printing our ballots, a
23-count embezzler programming our voting system, and
our absentee ballots are being funneled through a
private company that hires mainly immigrants but also
people straight out of prison. 

We?ve now documented 10 states that are using
unauthorized software, and internal memos that
indicate that five Diebold programmers uploaded these
unauthorized programs, knowing that this was not

Supporting documents 

Statement by Andy Stephenson, candidate for Washington
secretary of state. 

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