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Report Finds Risks in Internet Voting by Americans Overseas

Report Finds Risks in Internet Voting by Americans Overseas


January 22, 2004

  By JOHN SCHWARTZ for the New York Times


A $22 million system to allow soldiers and other Americans

overseas to vote via the Internet is inherently insecure

and should be abandoned, according to a report by computer

security experts asked to review the new program.


The system, the Secure Electronic Registration and Voting

Experiment, or Serve, was developed with financing from the

Defense Department and will first be used in the primaries

this year.


The review, requested by the government, noted that experts

had voiced increasingly strong warnings about the

reliability of electronic voting systems. It said the new

program, restricted to voters overseas using personal

computers to vote using the Internet, raised the ante on

the risks of such systems.


Serve, the panel members wrote, "has numerous other

fundamental security problems that leave it vulnerable to a

variety of well-known cyberattacks, any one of which could

be catastrophic."


Any system for voting over the Internet with common

personal computers, the report noted, would run the same



The Trojan horses, viruses and other attacks that

complicate modern life and allow crimes like online

snooping and identity theft could allow hackers to disrupt

or even alter the course of elections, the report

concluded. A major American election would be an

irresistible target for hackers, and the ability of

computers to automate tasks means that many attacks could

be carried out on a large scale, the report added.


Such attacks "could have a devastating effect on public

confidence in elections," the authors wrote, adding, "The

best course to take is not to field the Serve system at



A spokesman for the Pentagon said the critique overstated

the importance of the risks.


"The Department of Defense stands by the Serve program,"

the spokesman, Glenn Flood, said. "We feel it's right on,

at this point, and we're going to use it."


An official of Accenture, of Manhattan, the consulting and

technical services company that is the main contractor on

the project, said the researchers drew unwarranted

conclusions about plans for the project.


"We are doing a small controlled experiment," Meg T.

McLaughlin, president of Accenture eDemocracy Services,



The Federal Voting Assistance Program, part of the Defense

Department, plans to introduce the program officially in a

few weeks. Seven states have signed up to participate, and

up to 100,000 people are expected to use the system this



Moving to the larger population of the six million military

and civilian voters overseas is far from certain, Ms.

McLaughlin said, and the final system could be quite



"It will be up to Congress and the states to determine if

this gets expanded and how," she said.


Trying to vote overseas can be frustrating. Internet voting

makes intuitive sense to Americans who have grown

accustomed to buying books, banking and even finding mates

online. But the authors of the report adamantly state that

what works for electronic commerce does not work for

electronic democracy. Online shopping failures and fraud

are covered by Internet merchants and credit card



"How do we recover if an election is compromised?" they



Any new system, they said, "should be as secure as current

absentee voting systems and should not introduce any new or

expanded vulnerabilities into the election beyond those

already present."


One author, David Wagner, an assistant professor of

computer science at the University of California at

Berkeley, said, "The bottom line is we feel the solution

can't be a system that introduces greater risks just to

gain convenience."


Some attacks may sound farfetched or arcane, said Aviel D.

Rubin, an author of the report who is technical director of

the Information Security Institute at Johns Hopkins



"These are all things that occur in the wild that we see

all the time," Mr. Rubin said.


The study said the Federal Voting Assistance Program and

Accenture should not be faulted for their work, which it

found innovative and conscientious.


"There really is no good way to build such a voting system

without a radical change in overall architecture of the

Internet and the PC or some unforeseen security

breakthrough," the report said.


The risks inherent in Serve are likely to cripple any

system for Internet-based voting, said Barbara Simons, a

technology consultant who was a co-author of the report.


"It's not just a Serve thing," she said.


Such concerns

are not new. They have formed the basis of several recent

studies of Internet voting. A report in 2001 by the

Internet Policy Institute said, "Internet voting systems

pose significant risk to the integrity of the voting



David R. Jefferson, an author of the new report who is a

computer scientist at the Lawrence Livermore National

Laboratory in California, also worked on a report in 2000

for the California secretary of state that reached similar

conclusions and said that "nothing fundamental has changed"

since the 2000 report.


In trying to play down the critique of the system, Mr.

Flood of the Pentagon called it a "minority report,"

because it involved 4 of the 10 outside experts asked to

review the system. Mr. Rubin noted that the four authors

were the only members of the group who attended the two

three-day briefings on the system.


There is no majority report, because the other experts have

not taken a public stance on the project.


Ms. McLaughlin of Accenture said that her company had

contacted the other six members and that five said they

would not recommend closing the program.


One other outside reviewer, Ted Selker, an associate

professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

disagreed with the report, saying it reflects the

professional paranoia of security researchers.


"That's their job," he said.


Professor Selker, an expert

on how people use technology, said security was a less

pressing concern than mistakes in registration databases,

poor ballot design and inadequate polling procedures.


"Every single election machine I've seen," he said,

"including the lever machine, including punch card

machines, including paper ballots, has vulnerabilities."