--- Begin Message ---Title: TrueMajority - A Computer Ate My Vote
- To: margitjo@xxxxxxx
- Subject: Safeguard CO's Votes SEND ACTION~a10310u136139
- From: TrueMajority <alerts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 00:27:39 -0500 (EST)
Computer Voting Glitches Imperil Colorado 's Votes
California, Washington and Nevada Have Protected Their Voters
Tell Secretary of State Donetta Davidson to Safeguard Yours as Well
Computer voting systems are coming, even though they are "not ready for prime time." The corporations that make them are keeping secret how the machines work, saying, "Trust us, nothing can go wrong." They don't even have a way to have a real recount should the machines crash or there be any other reason to think that something might have gone wrong. When Maryland election officials tested the machines, hackers were able to compromise the systems in a matter of minutes.
But this is a rare example of a serious problem that has a simple remedy. The machines can be opened up to election officials for monitoring, and each voter can check a printout of his or her vote to confirm that it was entered correctly. Then the paper version can be collected and be available for routine audits and recounts if necessary. This creates a voter-verified paper trail.
State election officials in California, Washington and Nevada have already used their own authority to protect their citizens by requiring that computer voting systems in their states provide the voter-verified paper trail. You deserve the same protection. Tell Secretary of State Donetta Davidson to do the same for Colorado .
To send Secretary of State Donetta Davidson a free message urging the same safeguards for Colorado voters, just click "reply" and "send" in your e-mail program (text below). If this was forwarded to you or you'd like to customize the message, click here:
LETTERS TO THE EDITORLetters to the editor are another powerful way to influence election officials. This feature uses state-of-the-art technology to make it really easy for you to send a letter to the editor. Click here to give it a try:
About This Campaign:
TrueMajority members have urged passage of federal legislation requiring these simple remedies, but the Republican congressional leadership refuses even to grant the bills a hearing. So TrueMajority is rolling out a major campaign to make sure that state election officials protect their citizens from these machines. We asked our members to donate the money needed to run this campaign, and you've already given more than $100,000, twice what we asked for. We are using this money to mount an even-more-aggressive campaign to make sure these voting machines aren't installed around the country.
TrueMajority is announcing our national campaign "The Computer Ate My Vote" at a February 17 news conference during the annual convention of the National Association of Secretaries of State. TrueMajority members will then hold similar news events in our first ten target states during the week of February 23. As we win state by state, we'll be moving the campaign around the country until everyone is protected. So watch your e-mail box, and we'll let you know what else you can do.
But first, send Secretary of State Donetta Davidson a free message right now. Just click "reply" and "send" in your e-mail program (text below). If this was forwarded to you or you'd like to customize the message, click here:
Ben Cohen
President, TrueMajority.orgPS: For more information about our campaign, check out www.truemajority.org/voting.cfm.
For more information about computer voting systems, check out www.verifiedvoting.org or www.calvoter.org/votingtechnology.html#resources.
Here is the letter we'll send to Secretary of State Donetta Davidson:
Dear Secretary of State Donetta Davidson:
Touch-screen voting systems may have some benefits, but I urge you to use whatever authority you have administratively, or influence you have legislatively, to ensure that election hardware and software are controlled by public servant election officials and that a voter-verified paper trail is in place before any Colorado election uses touch screens.
The secretaries of state for California, Washington and Nevada have already used their own authority to protect their citizens by requiring that computer voting systems in their states provide the voter-verified paper trail. I deserve the same protection.
(We'll put your name and address here.)
- If you'd like to contact us, don't reply to this e-mail. It will generate a message to your elections official. Instead, go here:
http://action.truemajority.org/ctt.asp?u=136139&l=318- If you need to update your address or e-mail address, or if we have the wrong Representative for you, just go here to change it.
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--- End Message ---