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Keller resolution against paperless voting systems

The latest issue of "The Colorado Statesman" (capitol-hill weekly paper)
publishes a guest column written jointly by Al Kolwicz and Pete Klammer
urging support for Sen. Moe Keller's resolution SJR04-010 (or just "SJR 10")
against paperless voting systems and in favor of voter-verified paper

Please call any legislator you can, and urge them to read and heed page 5 of
this issue (mine in the mail is strangely marked "March 20, 2004" (!), but
this is the issue published last Friday, April 9, in any case).

Pete Klammer / ACM(1970), IEEE, ICCP(CCP), NSPE(PE), NACSE(NSNE)
    3200 Routt Street / Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033-5452
  (303)233-9485 / Fax:(303)274-6182 / Mailto:PKlammer@xxxxxxx
 Idealism may not win every contest, but that's not what I choose it for!