Please don’t
succumb to current legislative proposals because you believe they are, “the
best we can get at this date.”
The instant
these ineffective proposals would become law, it would strengthen the enemies
of voter verified paper ballots as the ballot of count,
recount, audit and record.
It would likely
take years before the public would be ready to reconsider the issue. The
wrong candidates and issues would win elections. Manipulation and errors
would go undetected.
To silence critics,
it is human nature for officials to do something (anything) even though it does
not solve the problem. AS long as nothing is done, the issue stays open.
Public understanding
of the issue is much easier while there is no paper record than it would be if there
is a paper record that is not the official record of votes.
- Implementation of the proposed legislation will not result
in trustworthy elections.
- Implementation of the proposed legislation will result in
reduced voter confidence – the lurking question will be, “I
wonder who would have won if we counted the votes that are recorded on
- Once implemented, it will be more difficult for us to
convince the public that, “To avoid fraud and manipulation, electronic voting systems must
use a voter verified paper ballot as the ballot of count, recount, audit
and record.”
Hang in there
and demand what is right. The legislators don’t want to do the
wrong thing. Don’t help the enemy win the battle.
Al Kolwicz
Citizens for Accurate Mail Ballot Election Results
Tincup Circle
CO 80305
From: Andrew G. Silver
Sent: Monday, May 31, 2004 10:21
lobbyists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; stopvotefraud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [stopvotefraud] Re:June
2-4 "Take Back America
Conference" in DC
About three people have sent me Howard Dean's message, but I think
not to either email list. I had not realized
before that Dean is
really pressing the v-vpat issue, and think it is
important that we
all know. I have gone to the website given
in the message, signed
the petition, and joined DFA.
I recognize that the DFA position is not as
adequate and unequivocal
as that of CAMBER and the Libertarian
Party. But for the November
election, I advocate supporting HR 2239 and S1980,
the best we can
get at this date, and then continue at the
elections to demand audits
and recounts where we can. The one leaflet
that I shall prepare will
be focused on supporting HR 2239 and S 1980,
but also mention that
the paper ballot should be the vote of record.
For those of us going to the conference, I am told
that DFA is
getting together at 5 PM Friday. I hope that
all of us in these
groups who are attending can meet then. I
shall prepare a
supplemental name badge for myself with
"" and
printed on it.
>Howard Dean has sent this message to his
mailing list.
>In order for your vote to affect the outcome
of this election, it
>must be counted. As November nears we must act
now to ensure that
>our voting systems produce accurate and
verifiable results.
>Right now, some states are planning to use
machines that will not
>allow voters to verify their choices. This
means that any flaws in
>the machine or software will never be caught
-- and no recount will
>be possible. And the head of the largest
e-voting machine company --
>who is a major contributor to George Bush and
has promised to
>deliver Ohio
to him -- asks that we just trust him.
>Today we call on Congress and the states to
require any electronic
>voting machine used in this election to
produce a paper trail -- one
>that allows voters to verify their choices and
officials to conduct
>recounts. Add your name to the call for
>We will deliver the petition to Congress and
the secretaries of
>state of every state planning to use
electronic voting machines.
>Please forward this message to everyone you
know who wants to see
>that every vote is counted this year. You can
also spread the word
>by using our grassroots action center,
Organize for America,
>invite your friends to sign the petition:
>Casting a vote is the most fundamental action
we take as citizens.
>But voting is not a symbolic act -- the last
presidential election
>demonstrated that every vote matters. Our
responsibility in the
>months before November is to ensure that this
time, every vote will
>be counted.
>Thank you.
>Governor Howard Dean, M.D.
>----- Original Message -----
<mailto:andrewgsilver@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>Andrew G. Silver
>Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 12:25 AM
>Subject: [ lobbyists] June
2-4 "Take Back America
>Conference" in DC
>For information on the conference see
>I shall be attending in the hope of having an
opportunity to
>influence personally some of the many political
activists attending
>-Howard Dean, Julian Bond, Moveon people, Jim
Hightower, et al.
>Though the agenda is very long, they seem to
have forgotten about
>verified voting and voter protection. If
anyone else primarily is
>advocating for these issues is going, could
you let me know, so that
>we could try to pool our resources and
>Defending Freedom and Democracy,
>Andy Silver
>phone/fax: (919) 245-0277 (h)
>(919) 380-9860, x2405 (o, 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM)
>This is message #24.
>To unsubscribe, send mail to
>(This may fail if your address has changed
since you signed
>up; if so, or for other assistance, contact
>This list is hosted by,
>For more information about our work
championing reliable and
>publicly verifiable elections, see
>Donations accepted at
Defending Freedom and Democracy,
Andy Silver
Hillsborough, NC
phone/fax: (919) 245-0277 (h)
(919) 380-9860, x2405 (o, 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM)
[Non-text portions of this message have been
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