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Re: [board] Re: What is Boulder County trying to hide?

On Mon, 9 Aug 2004 17:37:00 -0600, you wrote:

>And there's *no* outrage that Al bullied and harassed female human beings to
>the point where they and other *observers* were afraid to come to their

Well, there's outrage on my part that the Boulder Libertarian County Chair
successfully managed to prevent me from participating in the test.

In private eMails to me, Mr. Shaffer (a.k.a. LPBC Chairman) said
	>Glad I was able to stop your end run......;-)

Mr. Shaffer, will you deny that you and Mr. Tiger did everything in your
power to keep me out of that test on July 30th and August 5th?  Will you
deny that you selected as the LP's representative the Democrat Chief Deputy
Clerk on July 30th?  Will you deny that on August 5th you called Dwight
Harding to ask him not to let me be his poll watcher?  Will you deny that
the LP could have had two observers but that you did not want me there
because of our political differences?

So now you are "*outraged*" that observers viewed the facts as they viewed
them through their own political lenses?  I talked to Jerry Van Sickle (your
hand-picked observer and a dear friend of mine) for an hour on the night of
August 5th and I flat-out asked him if Al harassed anyone and he told me

Al was ejected - according to Jerry - because he was doing things to the
test decks that the Clerk did not like.

>And there's no outrage at the FACT that the Republican Chair had to fix Al's
>screw up????

Huh?  Al was ejected and so he was replaced by the Republican chair.

>And there's no outrage over the FACT that the barcodes are for ballot
>styles, not individual ballots AS AL SAYS THEY ARE (ONE of the
>lies......because Al has been told and shown this, and still tries to lie
>about it)??????

Will the Boobsie twins of Shaffer and Tiger at least read each other's
eMail.  This is what Mr. Tiger, Mr. Shaffer's political ally in this affair,
wrote on Mon, 9 Aug 2004 15:18:32 -0600

  >Let me be clear that I was misinformed and now stand corrected: in that
  >there is a barcode that does track the ballot itself with these new

After it was explained here that there is a serial number (bar code) and
after being explained that the Secretary of State granted a waiver for such
a ballot and that, in my opinion, it violates state constitutional
provisions ...

That Mr. Shaffer _still_ spouts the above paragraph.

Where'd I get my information, Mr. Shaffer?  Two sources.  (A) Al Kolwicz.
(B) Tom Halicki.  Mr. Halicki told it to me to my face outside the County
Commissioner's hearing room because I was surprised that the ballots were
serialized. It was Mr. Halicki who told me that the Secretary of State
issued a waiver.

How many times do I have to correct this error?  How many times are you
going to spout your drivel?

Mr. Shaffer, I am warning you: You have now explicitly libeled Mr. Kolwicz
by accusing him of lying when he did not.  I will repeat here what I
repeated elsewhere: In my opinion you are politically inept.  You are inept
in that you didn't even bother to check your facts when they were plainly
laid out for you even by Mr. Tiger.

The LP is supposed to be the Party of Principle.  This Party cannot be the
Party of Principle if FACTs are twisted to suit your needs.

>Well, *I'm* outraged over the FACT that some of you are blindly following
>the blinded.

And I'm outraged that the LPBC's Chair is blind even though he has eyes to

>The Clerk's Office doesn't even have a LOT to do with how ballots are
>made.....it's pretty much the SoS who dictates that.
>Howcum nobody is down THERE protesting?????

It is the County that purchased the equipment and the (Secretary of State)
(SoS) that certified it.  Both were at fault.

And, yes, CVV and others protested electronically at the SoS.  1500 faxes
from 1500 different people were sent when the SoS turned off her fax
machine.  The SoS claimed that she was being harassed.  What a wonderful
thing she did by cutting off the citizenry's explicit U.S. Constitutional
right to petition government.

It was Bob McGrath and his fine team that worked the halls of the
legislature - unfortunately unsuccessfully - to get laws changed.

There were protests.  There was citizen participation.

>And for Mr. Pezzillo.......
>I purposely didn't mention *my* version of the facts......I suggested people
>ask the parties involved and find out for themselves.....I only had a small

Bull twinkies.  You had a huge part.  _Someone_ at the Clerk's office
contacted you when I tried to get into the testing.  You then spent time on
the phone with your District 17 primary opponent, Mr. Dwight Harding, to
keep me out of the room so that I could not directly observe what was going

Mr. Shaffer, you were up to this incident to your eyeballs.

I asked the parties involved.  I asked Harding.  I asked Van Sickle.  I got
information as close to the events as I could.

>........or would you rather that they only hear *your* side?
>(Makes sense......your side is 100% right, all American, do no wrong, isn't

Gee, maybe, huh?

>Just because the messenger is less than worthless, doesn't mean the message
>is......does it???
>CVV (and even CAMBER, once upon a trime.....) as a whole has been quite
>effective at getting these issues we all care about noticed.
>These are important issues......TOO important to have them lost in the
>shuffle with an anti-social, unbalanced individual.

Ah!  The truth be damned!  It is the fact that Mr. Kolwicz is disliked by
the Clerk and Mr. Shaffer that is important.

>Because I deplore Al's interpersonal activities..........and have
>*questioned*  some of the ideas put forth by the activists (like hand
>counting during the election process)......*you* accuse me of non-support
>and more......
>And then, of course we're "junior thugs".....and I'm a "ringleader".

I sympathize with Mr. Pezzillo.  You are a junior partner to the events of
August 5th.

You barred me from entering the testing.  They kicked Al out.

You might have had my political support had I been there.  As it is, all I
can do is get second hand information.  My sources tell me that Pezzillo is

>Better get straight, the difference between *personal* attacks and political

This side of the argument does.  You are the one doing the personal attacks
by lying about the serialization of ballots and calling Mr. Kolwicz "an
anti-social, unbalanced individual".

Mr. Kolwicz - my good friend - is not a public speaker.  He has no desire to
get in front of cameras.  He seeks no fame or glory.

He is a decent human being who has dedicated years of his life to see the
voting process be honest.

>I am somewhat thick skinned, but you push the line and make yourself look
>stupid in the process.

I've know Mr. Pezzillo only for a short time.  As far as I have been able to
determine, Mr. Pezzillo checks his facts.

He is not the one who looks stupid in the process.

>Like comparing Al to Jesus......if I was the religious type, I'd consider
>that Blasphemy.
>As it is, it just disgust me.
>Open your eyes, man.....

You, Mr. Shaffer, may be the first human being in history to have been
blinded by darkness.


Ralph Shnelvar

>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Joe Pezzillo" <jpezzillo@xxxxxxxxx>
>To: "Joe Pezzillo" <jpezzillo@xxxxxxxxx>
>Cc: "LPBC Chairman" <chairman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "HIllary Hall"
><chair@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "Cvv-Discuss@Coloradovoter. Net"
><cvv-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <chair@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
><paul.tiger@xxxxxxxxxxxx>; <board@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Monday, August 09, 2004 11:14 AM
>Subject: [board] Re: What is Boulder County trying to hide?
>> PS - Yes, I'm outraged about what's being done to Al Kolwicz, sorry for
>> the amount that's increased my temperature. I think it's disgraceful
>> that this is what it's come to in Boulder County, and I understand my
>> flaming probably doesn't make it any better right now, but for crying
>> out loud (as I'm doin'), what does it say that Al Kolwicz who is a
>> tireless champion of trustworthy elections is being treated like a
>> criminal by our government? Why isn't everyone outraged by this?
>> On Aug 9, 2004, at 9:19 AM, Joe Pezzillo wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > Sorry, Paul and Bo, ...