We could tell Mr. Polis our strategy is this: he buys the ballots and CFVI
recruits and trains hand-counters, or auditors of optical scanned counts.
2) Ask Mr. Polis to pay for an independent firm that will conduct exit
polling on Nov 2. Bob believes many of the candidates are poised for legal
challenges and exit polling data will provide documentation that could
hand-counting of optically-scanned ballots around the state.
3) Legal fees funding (expert witnesses, etc). CFVI has agreed to work
with 2 lawyers who are preparing to file a legal motion by Tuesday next
week, prior to the Sec of State's certification of the ballots on Sept.
10th. We will need money for legal costs.
4) Media time including television, radio, and billboards.
5) T-shirts, hats, buttons, bumperstickers, etc.
Please respond to this ASAP if you'd like a voice in this decision.
Thank you.