CFVI Update: Sunday, October 10, 2004
Issue: 15
Click on any highlighted link below for more
CFVI is seeking donations for the purpose of getting our message out
through the media. You can send a check to us care of RMPJC and mail it
P.O. Box 1156
Boulder, CO 80306
Be sure to make the check payable to
RMPJC and note in the memo
space on your check that this is for Coloradoans for Voting Integrity
Also, You May
Tell a Friend and
Spread the Word!
CFVI is part of a national campaign to try to ensure that our votes
Voters in Denver, Jefferson, Arapahoe and El Paso Counties
Vote with absentee ballots!
Hand-carry the ballots on Election Day.
These counties have touch screen computer voting ballot. If you vote on
the computer, there is no paper ballot. Absentee ballots provide a paper
ballot, but they optically scanned during tabulation, so the accuracy of
this count is questionable. Having a paper ballot is important
We need people during the election to:
Staff a hotline? Report election problems. This will go into a
national database.
Poll Watch? Represent your favorite candidate or ballot issue by
watching voting at the precincts. Help verified voting by comparing
numbers of people voting with actual tabulations. At the end of the day,
we will be comparing counts.
? Witness absentee vote counting, and central tabulations.
This is crucial to the integrity of an election.
Election Judge-you are employed by the county to work the elections. Call
your county clerk to sign up. The counties are short staffed, and are
hiring for pre-election work as well. Please let us know if you do
These efforts will help us gather the data we need to continue mounting
our case for verified voting. If you have been thinking about taking
election day off to help get out the vote, you could do that and help be a
poll monitor as well.
Training will be provided. If you would like to become involved please
call Carolyn Bninski at 303-444-6981.
CFVI will operate another Voting Problem Hotline on Nov 2. We have office
space in Lakewood (Wadsworth and Alameda) and 10 dedicated phone lines.
Tracy Abell can lead this effort but needs a helper to oversee the hotline
for at least six hours on Nov 2, and if able, help recruit operators. We
need 40 hotline operators to each work a three-hour shift. If you're not
a poll watcher or election judge, please consider helping out. Operators
will document problems related to electronic voting machines, and CFVI may
need this documentation in case of legal challenges. Please respond by
e-mailing us at info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Message from the Director
At the CFVI meeting this week we identified a new tactic we wish to
employ: to target those Colorado party leaders in counties using DRE
machines to educate them on the dangers and to provide
recommendations to party leaders, as well as to ask for their immediate
help in implementing these two recommendations through publicity and
recruitment efforts on our behalf to their respective party organizations.
We would like to ask you to approach BOTH the Republican and Democratic
Party Chairs for your respective county, to set up an appointment to meet
with them and to communicate the following (if you wish, you may want to
approach the Green, Libertarian or other parties, but we hope to reach the
majority parties in particular):
1. Communicate the issue about the security risks to our election by use
of the voting machine in your county. Deliver a copy of the documents
from CFVI?s website (found at this link:
Downloads: Volunteer Materials to that party official and
review with them the myriad ways the election can be stolen by use of this
faulty technology and the faulty security methods associated with use of
these machines (all covered in this attached document). Explain the need
to focus especially upon the processing of absentee ballots, and to print
out and refer them to a copy of Al's article (also attached). Describe
CFVI's Election Day hotline and ask the party chair if they are willing to
publicize this hotline to members of their party in the county for incident
2. Explain our strategy of recommending that people vote by absentee
ballots hand-delivered on Election Day or the day before, and by
provisional ballots if they miss the Absentee ballot deadline, but by all
means to avoid use of the machines. Explain the rationale behind this by
bringing with you copies of the handouts (
Downloads: Volunteer Materials).
3. Specifically ask these party leaders for their commitment to help us
obtain poll watchers for central counting (including processing of
absentee ballots), early voting and precinct voting, referring all such
poll watchers to share their reports with us at our hotline. We
especially need notaries in each county to be available to notarize any
HAVA complaints to be filed that day, in order to facilitate the proper
submission of complaints of any wrongdoing for official investigation
after the election. Explain that we are likely to be embroiled in a court
case after the election and will need their active assistance in fact
gathering in order to be effective in this effort, regardless of party
affiliation. Try to obtain their commitment to share their communication
with us (provide Tracy's name for hotline operator volunteers) so we know
that they will honor their pledge to convey our appeal for poll watchers
in these 3 types of poll watching. If any funds exist from any of these
county party organizations to help publicize these efforts, please ask for
financial support as well. The deadline to apply for absentee ballots for
the election is October 26 if being mailed back, Oct 29th if being hand
delivered to a drop off point. We need help publicizing both this
strategy and the need for poll watchers and use of the hotline, hence the
need for financial support.
Please, also consider helping coordinate the poll watching efforts. We
need a committee chair to coordinate county coverage and facilitate
reporting to the hotline. Tracy cannot do this alone. We need a team of
at least 3 people to work together to coordinate this effort. I will
help on election day but cannot commit too much time prior to that day,
due to full-time work commitments.
Laurie has agreed to approach Denver; I need commitments from Chuck for El
Paso, Doug for Arapahoe, and Pete for Jeffco. If there are candidates
you know who could be affected by use of these machines in your counties,
it may also be advisable to approach them first to ask them to accompany
you to the respective party chairman for that county, so they take you
If anyone knows of volunteers we could recruit to approach the following
counties that use DRE's for early voting, please reply to me:
Mesa, Saguache, Weld, Broomfield
We are hoping we can count on you to help in alerting and educating the
folks who may be able to raise the greatest stink and who will alert their
affected party members to protect their votes.
Thank you for all you are doing.
Bob McGrath
Director, CFVI
Coloradoans for Voting Integrity (CFVI) is a statewide, non-partisan group
of citizens working for verifiable and trustworthy elections. We have
advocated for voter-verified paper ballots via legislation, citizen
involvement, and media alerts, but election officials ignored our
concerns; electronic voting devices will be used throughout Colorado on
November 2. These electronic machines cannot verify that our votes are
cast or counted as intended.
CFVI now recommends that people vote with absentee ballots. Further, CFVI
recommends that voters hand-deliver absentee ballots to county election
offices on Nov 2. Why? Because once an absentee ballot is cast, election
officials can open and count those ballots, and then post the total counts
as well as political affilation in a public location. This enables ?get
out the vote? campaigns to counter any lead.
CFVI notes that absentee ballots are not a perfect solution but they do
allow people to verify that their votes are cast as intended, in addition
to providing a paper trail. The last day to apply for an absentee ballot
is October 26 (if mailed) and October 29 (if picked up).
Event Date: Oct 12, 2004
Meetings - CFVI Meeting:
We will be meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday night at the Maes Building on
Colfax & Xavier Streets in Lakewood, to discuss developing an intensive
campaign aimed at PR, increasing media coverage and focusing political and
people-powered pressure upon the Secretary of State's Office.
out more.
Event Date: Oct 12, 2004
Meetings - e-Voting Discussion:
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
4:30 pm, networking, refreshments
5:00 p.m., presentation,
QA book giveaway,
free Better Software magazines
Panel discussion:
Electronic Voting Machines
SysTest Labs: Carolyn Coggins, Gail Audette
Boulder County: Paul Danish, Joe Pezzillo
SQUAD: Jon Hagar, Cathy Kiser
Qwest Auditorium
1005 17th Street
Downtown Denver, CO
The Qwest Auditorium is located in the Qwest Building at the Corner of
and Curtis)
(For more information on parking & directions go to the SQuAD website
out more.
Event Date: Oct 19, 2004
Meetings - CFVI Meeting:
We will be meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday night at the Maes Building on
Colfax & Xavier Streets in Lakewood, to discuss developing an intensive
campaign aimed at PR, increasing media coverage and focusing political and
people-powered pressure upon the Secretary of State's Office.
out more.
Event Date: Oct 26, 2004
Meetings - CFVI Meeting:
We will be meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday night at the Maes Building on
Colfax & Xavier Streets in Lakewood, to discuss developing an intensive
campaign aimed at PR, increasing media coverage and focusing political and
people-powered pressure upon the Secretary of State's Office.
out more.
Event Date: Nov 02, 2004
Other - US Election:
Election Day!
out more.
Latest News Articles:
![]() | Gimme paper, voters
say |
While voters seeking convenience, suspicious
of electronic machines, or both are asking for record numbers of absentee
ballots, ?Problems beget more problems,? writes Fred Brown in The
Denver Post. ?Under Colorado law, a voter who asks for an absentee
ballot can't ask for a provisional ballot at the polls. That's to prevent
the old-fashioned problem of multiple votes from the same person. But it's
also unfair to people who legitimately lose their absentee ballots, or
whose ballots are lost by the postal system.?
Posted by: Admin on 2004-10-08
![]() |
![]() | Playing With the Election
Rules |
Two secretaries of state in key
battlegrounds Colorado and Ohio are, ?interpreting the rules in ways that
could prevent thousands of eligible Americans from voting,? states an
editorial in The
New York Times. In Ohio, a decision to reject registration applications
on certain paper and to count only provisional ballots cast in the correct
precinct could cost thousands their votes, while in Colorado, a ruling by
the Republican secretary of state to count only presidential votes on
provisional ballots cast in the wrong precinct is ?bizarre,? the editorial
charges. ?The Senate race in Colorado, among the closest in the nation,
could determine control of the Senate, and there is no reason all valid
provisional ballots should not count in this race or for statewide ballot
propositions.? The paper also faulted election machine manufacturer
Diebold in another opinion
piece focusing on the company?s legal troubles. (Registration required.)
Posted by: Admin on 2004-10-08
![]() |
![]() | PA Statewide recount bill
passes |
Pennsylvania lawmakers might have headed off
an election stalemate this week when they passed legislation that establishes
statewide standards for recounting ballots, the Morning Call reported.
President George Bush and Sen. John Kerry are running in a statistical
dead heat in some state polls, raising the likelihood that the standards,
which establish a 16-day recount period as well as lays out specific
recounting procedures, will be used next month.
Posted by: Admin on 2004-10-08
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Posted by: Admin on 2004-10-08
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Posted by: Admin on 2004-10-08
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Posted by: Admin on 2004-10-08
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Posted by: Admin on 2004-10-08
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![]() | As Election Day
Approaches, Reform is a Moving Target |
By Doug Chapin
In less than two weeks, will release ?Election Preview
2004: What?s Changed, What Hasn?t and Why? ? our pre-election update of
the state of play in election reform.
What?s Changed recaps the events of the past year and sets the ?state of
play? on the eve of the November 2 election. The report describes the
struggles with implementation of the Help America Vote Act at all levels
of government, examines the mounting controversy over electronic voting
and provides state-specific data on voting equipment usage, provisional
voting, voter identification and other topics.
Posted by: Admin on 2004-10-08
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Posted by: Admin on 2004-10-08
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Latest Links:
Become An Election Protection Volunteer!
In the last presidential election, millions of votes were never counted.
Voters in minority communities were disproportionately disenfranchised
through illegal disqualification, intimidation, and faulty voting
machines. The nonpartisan Election Protection coalition needs you to stand
up and defend voting rights November 2!
Electronic Frontier Foundation
EFF E-Voting
The 2004 presidential election might not be flawed like the last one was;
it might be even worse. Communities across America are purchasing
electronic voting (e-voting) machines, but the technology has serious
security problems that aren't being addressed. Most of the machines use
"black box" software that hasn't been publicly reviewed for security.
Almost none provide voter-verifiable paper ballots to detect fraud. A
recent analysis by several academic researchers outlines the many and
varied ways that anyone from a technically proficient insider to an
average voter could disrupt an e-voting system to defraud an election.
The response of some of the companies that make e-voting machines has been
even more upsetting. Instead of embracing close technical review and public
interest in its products, one of the three major manufacturers of these
machines has embarked upon a campaign of sending cease-and-desist letters
to those who criticize it. The company first sent one to the academic
researchers and then later sent many to individuals and groups who
republished internal email messages that reveal both the problems with the
systems and employee attempts to cover up those problems.
E-Voting technology is promising, but its benefits should not obscure its
dangers. Without basic auditing checks, these machines dramatically
increase the chances for undetectable election fraud. This archive is a
resource in the fight for accountable elections and responsible voting
NOTE: More information on all litigation related to verified voting is
available at
Contact the Congress!
Contacting the Congress is a very up-to-date database of congressional
contact information for the 108th Congress. As of August 14, 2004 there
are 520 email addresses (of which 448 are Web-based email homepages), and
540 WWW homepages known for the 540 members of the 108th Congress. More
traditional ground mail addresses are available for all
Voters Unite!
About Us
We believe we can make a difference, but we can't do it alone. We need
you, too.
Our highest priority is to work toward elections in which we can be
confident. We have been very active in the fight for verifiable voting,
and we feel an urgency to participate in unity of action with all the
diverse groups and individuals who now consider themselves 'voting
activists' as well as those who have recently become concerned about
elections in the United States.
Ellen Theisen worked with from August 2003 through
March 2004. She spearheaded the volunteer lobbying efforts that tripled
the number of co-sponsors for H.R.2239 and led to the introduction of
companion Senate bills. She is now dedicated to unifying activists in an
effort to secure our elections.
Peter Johnson, activist, grassroots mobilizer, and founder of Helping to free information and encourage civic
participation, he has assisted various organizations working for election
accountability and transparency.