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Re: Recall Information for County Clerk


Thanks for your e-mail. I appreciate that not everyone thinks a recall is warranted at this time, and I am pursuing this as an individual, not on behalf of CVV (I hope that's already clear).

Also, I am simply requesting the information at this time, not yet actually collecting any signatures. As I told one of the reporters who has called, I'd rather see Linda do the right thing to begin with (like, a year ago), but if she's not going to, then it will be up to the citizens to secure Trustworthy Elections for Boulder County, as they have repeatedly proven their ineptitude at doing so.

The "first time" should have been before the Primary, and now it appears that what problems they encountered then were never resolved before heading into the General. Also, remember that when a citizen tried to test this system under real world conditions, that citizen was escorted from the Clerk's office by the Sheriff who then continued to investigate the citizen instead of spending any time looking for problems at the Elections Office.

Also, I do not agree with the County position that no one should be held accountable, especially given the obvious nature of management's repeated failures (don't forget the uncertified equipment and total recount in November 2003, too).

All that said, I'm curious about at what point would you agree with a recall, after they screw up the next election? Do you not see a pattern here already?


Joe Pezzillo, Citizen Activist
Boulder, Colorado USA

On Nov 12, 2004, at 4:43 PM, Mary Eberle wrote:


I do not agree with this request. Let Ms. Salas and her staff finish the vote counting and give us the results in peace.

I do not think it is reasonable to have expected the system to work smoothly the first time. There are too many variables. It is too bad that we didn't get all the wake-up calls after the primary, but we didn't, and nothing can be done about that now. Still, all the ballots are being counted (so far as we can tell), although at a monetary cost as well as a human-exhaustion cost.

As I have stated, I think our first priority must be to change the Colorado law concerning recount methods so that we can verify election results. We need our county commissioners to make this their priority as well, not a witch hunt. They need to form a coalition with other county commissioners, and they will be less inclined to do so if we bog down Boulder County politics with a recall.

Mary Eberle
Election Judge, Boulder County

Joe Pezzillo wrote:
November 12th, 2004
Attn: Boulder County Board of Commissioners, Boulder County Clerk
From: Joe Pezzillo, Boulder city resident
Due to her unwillingness to accept responsibility for the failure of the Boulder County Elections Office by voluntarily resigning or removing those staff members who have demonstrated incompetence, please provide me with information on how to begin the process of holding a recall election to remove the Boulder County Clerk.
Joe Pezzillo
PO Box J
Boulder, Colorado USA 80306