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National Voluntary Voting System Guideline decisions this week

It looks to me like this is one of the last good chances to give
substantial input to the detailed national voluntary standards coming
out of NIST and the Technical Guidelines Development Committee (TGDC)
of the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) created by HAVA.

There is a meeting this Wednesday and Thursday in which TGDC hears,
amends, and votes on the revised NIST proposals for amending
the Voluntary Voting System Guideline (VVSG).

The two pieces I've followed the most are on accessibility and VVPATs
so they are suitable for auditing.  They are in the documents noted
below.  But note that there is much more.  And I'll say that I'm a bit
confused by the names "version 1" and "version 2" which seem to be
independent parts of the VVSG.

The meeting is described here:


Here are some pointers to more specific parts of interest.

 NIST to TGDC for final Voluntary Voting System Guidelines (Version 1-Draft)

 Volume 1  Performance Standards
  Section Two: Functional Capabilities 
   2.2.7 Human Factors (e.g. accessibility requirements)
 Section Six: Security 
   6.0.2 Requirements for Voter Verified Paper Audit Trails
    http://vote.nist.gov/VVSG1/v1s6a.pdf The voting station s ballot records shall be structured
    and contain information so as to support highly precise audits of
    their accuracy. The electronic and paper records shall be linked by
     including a unique identifier within each record that can be used
     to identify each record uniquely and each record s corresponding

I think the latter requirement is a very good idea since it allows
for very precise auditing.

I haven't had much chance to look at the rest yet.

Neal McBurnett                 http://bcn.boulder.co.us/~neal/
Signed and/or sealed mail encouraged.  GPG/PGP Keyid: 2C9EBA60