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AutoMARK demonstration



1.  Here is a DEMO of the AutoMARK vote marking device which is posted on the National Federation for the Blind website:





2.       Here is a survey comparing disabled voter’s opinion using various voting equipment including AutoMARK and HART from the Oregon Accessible Voting Systems Vendor Fair Survey Results.

AutoMARK wins over HART  46 to 43 points out of 60 possible.








3.  Here’s a letter from ES&S President defending disabled voter capabilities of AutoMARK.






4.  Research and positions of the National Disability Rights Network








5.  AutoMARK NASED certification document





 6.  Colorado refusal to certify AutoMARK.




ES&S was recently informed that the State of Colorado will not certify the AutoMARK for reasons highlighted in the attached document. The AutoMARK functionality may require assistance in “casting” a marked ballot for people with dexterity, mobility or vision problems. In short, a ballot marked by the AutoMARK needs to be deposited into the optical scan tabulator.


Colorado’s excuses for rejecting AutoMARK are not defensible.  DRE units do not provide full independence either.


The SOS rejection letter is transcribed below. 


The statute referred to in the letter is at



It is very clear that there is a coordinated effort to disallow paper ballots in Colorado.  This might be illegal.  At a minimum, it should be reason enough to replace everybody in office who is contributing to this, shall we say, “conspiracy”?


If we hope to retain paper ballots, we must persuade the Colorado Secretary of State to fairly evaluate the AutoMARK and any other vote marking system that support paper ballots -- Secretary of State Gigi Dennis c/o darleen.m.chacon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    






Al Kolwicz

CAMBER – Citizens for Accurate Mail Ballot Election Results

2867 Tincup Circle

Boulder, CO 80305






CAMBER is a dedicated group of volunteers who are working to ensure that every voter gets to vote once, every vote is counted once, and that every ballot is secure and anonymous.





Election Systems & Software, Inc.

Attn: Shirley Votrobek

11208 John Galt Blvd.

Omaha, NE 68137


January 10, 2006


Re: Receipt of Application for Certification


Ms. Votrobek,


This letter is to inform you that the Colorado Department of State has received your application for certification of the ES&S Voting System for AutoMARK and AIMS. Unfortunately at this time we are unable to certify the AutoMARK and AIMS ballot marking devices for use in the State of Colorado as to our knowledge, this type of device does not meet the requirement of Colorado Revised Statutes Title 1, Article 5 Section 704, specifically paragraph (1)(n)(I).


This application has been assigned the following number: 2006-CDOS-ESS-002-0109. Please refer to this number for all future correspondence.


Please contact me directly if you have any questions during the certification process.




John Gardner


Voting Systems Specialist

Colorado Department of State

1700 Broadway, Ste 270

Denver, CO 80290

Office: 303.894.2200 ext. 6318

Fax: 303.869.4861

E-mail john.gardner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Patti Fredrick

Director, Colorado HAVA

E-mail patti.fredrick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  

Web Site www.sos.state.co.us