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Corporatist-fixed US-style Mexican election

The Mexican mega-corporatists have learned well from their US counterparts - no matter how blatant the theft of an election, all you need to do is control the mass media and you "win":

"... calling for a full recount of all 41 million votes claiming that some voting places were counted twice while others weren't counted at all.  Although a formal recount will begin today, electoral authorities will only be required to re-check tallies from each ballot box ..."

Hence doing the recount just like it was done the first time - fixed.

And once again, the criminally notorious Interior Ministry suppresses any full disclosure or analysis of the suddenly denigrated exit polls, no doubt once again following their US corporatist advice, such as that of erstwhile political advisers (now Fox News corporatist lackeys) "resigned-in-disgrace" Dick Morris and Aznar's "dirty tricks hitman" Antonio Sola.    
