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Re: diebold spin

It is called a "strawman argument."  Rail against a nonissue and fail to respond
to the real problems...

-ivan meek

Quoting Margit Johansson <margitjo@xxxxxxxxx>:

> ""They erroneously assumed these machines are like computers," David
> Bear said of the computer scientists and hackers who claim they've
> cracked voting-machine codes. "They are only plugged into the wall
> for power; they are not computers [and] they're not plugged into the
> Internet. A lot of these 'security experts' that have passed judgment
> don't have an appreciation for the environment we're operating in.
> They're saying these are how these things would operate in a
> computer/Internet world, but we're not in a computer/Internet voting
> scenario." According to David Bear, before elections the machines are
> kept behind a locked door with a secure piece of tape covering the
> slot where the memory card is inserted." David Bear, a spokesperson
> for Diebold.

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