FYI.... -Neal
- To: neal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: EAC Standards Board Virtual Public Meeting ( 5-17 to 5-22-07 )
- From: Bryan Whitener <bwhitener@xxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 17 May 2007 14:23:32 -0400 (EDT)
- Delivered-to: neal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Reply-to: bwhitener@xxxxxxx
1225 New York Ave. NW – Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005
EAC Standards Board Virtual Public Meeting ( 5-17 to 5-22-07 )
Purpose: The EAC Standards Board will review and provide comment on a draft EAC report that was developed by Design for Democracy. The draft report contains best practices suggestions on the design of voter information, optical scan ballots and direct recording electronic (DRE) ballots based on legislative guidelines, information design principles and user centered research. The EAC Standards Board Virtual Public Meeting Room was established to enable the Standards Board to review and discuss draft documents in a public forum when it is not feasible for an in-person board meeting. The Standards Board will not take any votes or propose any resolutions during this 5-day forum. Members of the Standards Board will post comments about the draft best practices suggestions for the design of voter information and ballot.Activity Open to Public. The public may view the proceedings of this special forum at any time between Thursday, May 17, 2007, 7:00 a.m. EDT and Tuesday, May 22, 2007, 7:00 a.m. EDT. The public also may view the draft report of suggested best practices for voter information and ballot designs. The public also may file written statements to the EAC Standards Board. Data on EAC's website is accessible to visitors with disabilities and meets the requirements of section 508 of the rehabilitation act.
For Public Viewing - Click Here to Enter the EAC Standards Board Virtual Public Meeting Room
Click on any one of the eight (8) links to view each section of the draft report and comments posted by Standards Board Members about that section. You may also download the sections of the report. Written statements to the Standards Board may be filed at standardsboard@xxxxxxx. Any problems encountered when visiting this site may be emailed or you can call EAC at 1-866-747-1471 and ask for Liria Figueroa-Berrios.To learn more about the EAC, please visit
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