The Brad Blog now has the documentary broken into three parts. The entire 65 minutes is available there. Part 1 involves the manufacture and assembly of ES&S touch screen e-voting systems. Part 2 is an interview of Michael Shamos.
Part 3 contains the blockbuster focussing on the manufacture of old Sequoia punch card ballots.
Take a break from Touch Screen Voting and travel back through yesteryear with Rather to find out what happened with the hanging chads in Palm Beach County during Florida 2000.....
The Part 3 final, running 25 minutes in length, wraps up the 65 minute HDNet presentation DAN RATHER REPORTS: 'The Trouble with Touch Screens'.
Giles Jensen:
It was something that that really influenced the direction of this, this nation. Intentionally or unintentionally. Let's leave it that way. But, it's a sad state of affairs that it takes seven years for somebody to actually ask the question to the people that might have the answer.