Election Defense Radio, Tues. Feb. 12, 2008
Primary Election Reports from CA, AZ, FL, NH and NM
Live Internet Audio at http://toginet.com
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On Election Defense Radio this evening, Tues. Feb. 12
8:00 - 9:00 pm Eastern / 7:00 - 8:00 pm Central / 5:00 - 6:00 pm Pacific
We will be hearing reports about serious Primary Election problems that occurred around the country Super Tuesday and in the week since.
To "tune in" via the Internet, go to http://www.toginet.com and click on either of the two Audio Players (Flash or Windows Media) you will see in the upper right corner.
Tom Courbat and Dan Ashby will report on large-scale ballot disenfranchisement in CA and election violations observed by monitoring teams.
John Brakey and Jim March will call in with information on record-breaking numbers of Arizona voters given provisional ballots due to large-scale confusion in the vote-by-mail and voter registration systems.
Sally Castleman will report about the NH primary, the Democratic and Republican party recounts, nonexistent chain of ballots custody, and the state's refusal to surrender public election records requested in connection with the election and recounts.
Jonathan Simon will give an overview of the primary election exit polls and their significant divergences from the officially announced election results in a number of states.
We hope to have on guests from New Mexico to help us make sense of chaos in the Land of Enchantment on Tuesday and since.
Call in with your questions too, at 877- 864 - 4869
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Election Defense Radio is streamed live on Tuesdays at http://toginet.com from 8 to 9 pm Eastern, 7 to 8 Central, and 5 to 6 Pacific.
Shows are replayed on Sundays 1 - 2 pm Eastern at the same location on your Internet dial (recorded, no call-ins)
Downloadable audio files of each show are available at the Toginet site and at EDA's radio page the next day
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