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Video now posted: "Mail Ballots and Dirty Tricks..." on Castle Rock elections in 1998 and 1999

The video "Mail Ballots and Dirty Tricks: Citizens versus Monied Interests in a Colorado Town" is available
on the Denver Open Media (DOM) site.  To view it, go to www.denveropenmedia.org.  Click on "watch/vote".  After "Search",
write "mail ballots".  Cllick on the title (on two occasions), and wait for the video to load. 
The 42-minute video features an interview with lawyer Alison "Sunny" Maynard, who represented citizens wishing to slow the pace of development in the town of Castle Rock, CO  in 1998 and 1999.   Developers hired operatives to prevent the citizens' two initiatives from passing, using to their advantage mail ballots and the Colorado law allowing voters to give their voted mail/absentee ballots to middlemen for delivery to the clerk.  There is also video shot on Election Day of the 1999 initiative, which shows the operatives' exclusive use of an official ballot box loaned to them by the Douglas County Clerk, to collect voted mail ballots outside the town Recreation Center.