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Fwd: CVV Request for Participation in Election System Selection

Begin forwarded message:

From: Joe Pezzillo <jpezzillo@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: December 19, 2003 5:41:48 PM MST
To: 'Tom Halicki' <thalicki@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, commissioners@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, lsalas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: 'Al Kolwicz' <AlKolwicz@xxxxxxxxx>, morsonb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, valenty@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, bcv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Clay Evans <evansc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: CVV Request for Participation in Election System Selection


Boulder County Commissioners

Linda Salas, Boulder County Clerk

Tom Halicki, Boulder County Elections Manager

cc: Citizens for Verifiable Voting, bcv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Richard Valenty, Colorado Daily
Berny Morson, Rocky Mountain News
Clay Evans, Daily Camera
Al Kolwicz, CAMBER


Thank you again for creating the opportunity for Boulder County Citizens to participate in the selection process for a new voting system.

We are extremely grateful that the Clerks office has apparently come to the same conclusion as the independent Citizen group, Citizens for Verifiable Voting, in calling for centrally scanned paper ballot as the method for conducting the 2004 general election, and rejecting the purchase of any electronic voting system including Direct Record Electronic (DRE) devices.

However, we wish to reiterate our belief that the County should make lease arrangements for the interim system, as opposed to purchasing a system at this time, and we ask the Commissioners to make this fiscally possible for the Elections office to pursue. We also hope that the County will be as open in its process for selecting a central optical scan system for use in Boulder County as it has been in the recent months regarding the previous RFP process for a touch-screen based system, and include independent citizen members and opinions in its decision-making process.

Our Citizens group requests that any solution chosen by the County: be based on a full-text paper ballot as the only record of the vote; count
all votes centrally to ensure security and accuracy, minimize training costs, and prevent voter disenfranchisement; incorporate an accurate and reliable solution for absentee ballot processing; and be fully disclosed to citizens of Boulder County.

We would also like the Commissioners to reiterate, clarify and publicize their announcement about a Public Hearing to be held on this topic prior to any decision by the County.

Again, thank you very much for allowing Boulder County Citizens the opportunity to participate so centrally in this crucial aspect of our Democracy. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is any way for our group to participate, or if we can provide any additional information regarding our requests.


Joe Pezzillo, Spokesperson
Citizens for Verifiable Voting

personal public e-mail: jpezzillo@xxxxxxxxx
listed home office phone: 303-938-8850