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Citizen Input on Hart InterCivic Voting System Contract
Citizen Input on Hart InterCivic Voting System Contract
It is an illusion that Boulder County is PURCHASING a voting system from
Hart InterCivic. Only the hardware and services are being purchased -
all the software is being LICENSED. The hardware is off-the-shelf
equipment that should be leased under competitive bid from
sub-contractors, not bought at inflated prices when upgrades are
anticipated and inevitable. As is commonly done with proprietary and
closed source software, there is no purchase involved, only a licensing
for the use of the software - certainly not anything remotely resembling
the rights, title and interest of a purchase.
It is also an illusion that the voting system can have any semblance of
security with respect to reliability, accuracy and honesty (regardless
of its many admirable solutions to ballot ambiguity). The closed source
code precludes any level of professional examination as to vulnerability
to coding defects, which have become a challenge in recent years for
prankster and outright malicious attacks via viruses, trojans, worms,
and all the other malware that have wreaked havoc on much of the world's
desktop, server and infrastructure computers. The voting software
includes "Communication" software (at an exhorbitant cost of $10,000)
which is required for Internet upgrading and remote network vote
processing, and which will leave the voting system vulnerable to such
malware and its destructive effects.
There should be no illusion about the widely known failures of Microsoft
Windows software, on which all of the voting application software is
based. Only with heroic effort over the last year has Microsoft issued
patches for a few dozen of the thousands of severe security defects (in
the tens of millions of lines of their code) most of which took six or
seven months to be released after becoming known, announced and
admitted. Recently 15% of their code was pilfered and widely published on
the Internet, making it far more available for hacking but not for
officially sanctioned examination. To add to such a worst-case
scenario, the pilfered code included all of their encryption module,
whose security defects will be particularly vulnerable. There is no
rational or conceivable way that Microsoft could provide full patching
of these present and imminently discoverable defects in time for voting
machine certification, much less in time for the elections.
If accepted, these illusions lead to an overall illusion of
trustworthiness in the Hart InterCivic voting system that is totally
unwarranted, and can only lead to a further erosion of trust in our
elections. Only open software (after thorough, ongoing, disinterested
and professional examination) can be considered a candidate for
trustworthiness in something as vital as a voting system. This
proprietary voting software is closed and insufficiently examined and
statistically can have no less than one severe security defect per ten
thousand lines of unexamined code; thus, it will remain unpatched
even more than by the inferior system that leads to patching Microsoft
code. Again, MS Windows operating software is also proprietary and
closed (except for pilfering), mostly unexamined, notoriously
defect-ridden, and largely unpatched and unpatchable in any reasonable
The inevitable result of such a massive lack of digital security is that
no voter can be assured of the reliability, accuracy, or ultimately the
honesty of our election results. This system cannot be considered a
credible candidate for a trustworthy voting sytem.
Making the leap in logic that we can assume a remedy in the contract is
possible to attain a trustworthy system, such a remedy should not
include the PURCHASE, but rather the LICENSING/LEASING of all hardware,
service, and software components, with the maintenance and renewal of
such to be contingent on the following contract compliance and performance:
1. Sine Qua Non - provide open voting software code for critical
2. Require satisfactory Mock Election performance prior to any
licensing fee payment;
3. Require satisfactory security performance against specific defect
4. Require certification to include proof of software upgrades with all
known patches;
5. Require recertification upon proof of software patching of all
subsequent defects.
If such modifications in the proposed contract terms are not carried out
(if feasible), I submit that the alternative (in lieu of hand-
counted and recountable paper ballots of record, scanned or otherwise)
is going to involve months of protracted legal actions and injunctions
in order to protest the possible subversion of our election process.
Lou Puls
2565 Kenwood Drive
Boulder CO 80305