I ask you to please reflect once again on
what you have written, and what I have written.
I think you may be missing the point,
which may be due to my ineffective articulation of it.
Perhaps you’d like to walk me
through which problems you think that the proposed audit trail would solve and
how the audit trail would accomplish this.
From: Mark Gubrud
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 2:48
To: AlKolwicz@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: 'Andrew G. Silver'; 'Pamela
Smith'; lobbyists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; stopvotefraud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
ncverifiablevoting@xxxxxxxxx; Citizens for Verifiable
Voting; Dr. Charles
Corry; Sheila Horton; Pete Klammer; Bob
Mcgrath; Carol Mehesy; Donna Plutschuck; Monty Lambie; Peter Raich; Tracy Abell
Subject: Re: [stopvotefraud] Re:
[ lobbyists] Ensign Bill S2437
Your essential claim is that the ballot receipts would be
> printed in a form that is excessively
> difficult for voters to verify and costly for
> officials to use for independent counting
If this is true, it constitutes the substance of
your argument.
However, you do not provide any evidence to
support this claim.
The fact that the receipts would rarely be counted
is not very
relevant to their function as a deterrent to
vote-rigging, or
as an incentive to contractors and officials to
ensure security.
alkolwicz wrote:
> The "audit trail" bills are
intended to deceive voters into believing that
> they are verifying the votes that will decide
an election. This is not what
> these bills do.
> Instead, voters would be verifying a
secondary document that: (1) does not
> necessarily reflect the voter's choices, (2)
is printed in a form that is
> excessively difficult for voters to verify
and costly for officials to use
> for independent counting and (3) is not the
official ballot and will rarely
> be counted.
> The fundamental requirement is this: each
voter must be able to verify that
> their real votes that will be used to
determine the election outcome are
> recorded as the voter intends and must be
able to obtain a replacement
> ballot if they are not. (There are
additional requirements such as:
> recorded votes must be permanent, every
ballot must be secure and accounted
> for, and the interpretation of votes must be unambiguous,
but these
> requirements are not documented here.)
> We continue to ask for the following:
> Trustworthy Elections Resolution
> WHEREAS trustworthy elections are basic to
> WHEREAS trustworthy elections require that
each vote is anonymous, secure,
> verified by the voter and counted as intended
by the voter,
> WHEREAS paperless voting machines make it
impossible for us to verify that
> our votes are correctly recorded,
> WHEREAS paperless voting machines make it
impossible to prove that each vote
> is correctly counted,
> WHEREAS a receipt printer on a paperless
voting machine would not solve
> these problems because the votes printed on
the receipt can be different
> from the votes stored in the machine, and
because votes on the receipts
> would rarely be counted,
> WHEREAS accurate re-counting requires that
the votes on the original paper
> ballots be examined and counted, and that the
results from a previous count
> are not known to the people doing the
> WHEREAS failure to conduct trustworthy
elections opens the door to
> undetectable errors and fraud and destroys
voter confidence,
> THEREFORE, we voters want to hand mark or
machine mark our votes onto
> full-ballot-text paper ballots, to check our
votes before we cast them, to
> know that the votes on our paper ballot are
what get counted, and to have
> access to proof that every ballot is
accounted for and that every vote is
> correctly understood and counted.
> Al Kolwicz
> Citizens for Accurate Mail Ballot Election
> 2867 Tincup Circle
> Boulder,
CO 80305
> 303-494-1540
> AlKolwicz@xxxxxxxxx
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