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RE: [stopvotefraud] Update, Campaigns & New Flyer to Make Our Votes Count In November!



While it pleases us to know that more folks are alert to the perils of paperless voting, we are distressed when we see them being duped into supporting a proposed solution that will not work.


If you’d like to know why the proposed bills cannot work, you can review the three May 26 postings in the Colorado Voter BLOG at http://coloradovoter.blogspot.com/


We hope you’ll find sufficient data in these postings to persuade you to reject “electronic ballots with audit trails” in favor of “one ballot that is voter verified”.




Al Kolwicz

Executive Director, CAMBER






From: Cheryl Guttman [mailto:sguttman@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 4:19 AM
To: stopvotefraud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; voter_verification@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [stopvotefraud] Update, Campaigns & New Flyer to Make Our Votes Count In November!
Importance: High


--Please Forward, Feel Free To Add Intro and Edit--

Unless we pass HR2239, S.1980, and HR4250, there is a great danger that voters will be disenfranchised this election, possibly tipping a close election.  This national legislation is the only way necessary reforms will happen in all states by election day.

In This Post
(1)Why National Verified Voting is Stymied But Very Much Alive
(2)New Common Cause and DFA Campaign and Quick Email to ACLU, and Leaders of Moveon.org to have campaign for S.1980--the key to National Verified Voting (If you've done it before, do it again!)
(3)New info and wording(Voters Unite, etc.):Cut and Paste This Part to Your Word Processor So You can Make Calls, Faxes, Emails, and Make New Flyer--you can give out at political events like Kerry Meetup Tonight,leave at bookstores,etc.

(1) Senators have slowed down co-sponsoring S.1980 because there is a new merger bill that is supposed to merge all the verified voting bills into one bill.  The problem is Senator Clinton has put "state exemption" language into the merger bill which means that state could opt out of getting a paper trail by November.  S.1980 does not have this feature and I spoke to legislative staff at Holt's office (Holt is the sponor for HR2239, the original House verified voting bill) who said S.1980 can get the most co-sponsors and "win" over the merger bills if enough people call!   Also I spoke to Senator Schumer (one of the original co-sponsors of S.1980) who seemed optimistic about S.1980 and said he would do what he could to help.  We must keep trying because this is the only way for all states to have verified voting by November!

(2)Common Cause is having a campaign for Verified Voting and They are Asking What People Want.  You can say "Please Push for HR2239 and S.1980, which is preferable to merger bill because it does not have state exemptions and will guarantee all states verfied voting by November.  Also, there should be pressure on Clinton to get rid of the state exemption feature in the merger bill.  Also, HR4250 would give people a chance to object if a state falsely accuses them of being felons and thereby disenfranchises them" http://www.commoncause.org/action/voting_signup.cfm

--You can also email this same message to the Move On Leaders(who probably have a bigger membership than Common Cause and they encourage phone calls which are the most effective): peters@ moveon.org,  eli@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, zexley@xxxxxxxxx, carrie@xxxxxxxxxx, wes@xxxxxxxxxx, info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx .

--And to the ACLU which has a Voting Rights Division--go to their page https://www.aclu.org/feedback/feedback.cfm

--DFA Petition To Members Of Congress: Online Petitions Are The Least Effective In Influencing Legislators.  Calls and Faxes are taken the most seriously, and then individual emails are next.  However, you might as well sign this--but please keep calling, faxing emailing as well!-- and add in the comment box, "Please Support HR2239 and S.1980, which is preferable to merger bill because it does not have state exemptions and will guarantee all states verfied voting by November.  Also, please ask Clinton to get rid of the state exemption feature in the merger bill.   Please also support HR4250  which would give people a chance to object if a state falsely accuses them of being felons and thereby disenfranchises them"

(3)This Flyer has New Info from last One:  Cut and Paste (below the tips about flyering) Into Your Word Processor.  Then Call/Fax/Email these numbers yourself and Make Copies and Hand Them Out!  
Flyering Tips: go to any progressive demo, meeting, party, etc.  Also try meetup.com ohttp://www.meetup.com/browse/polact/ and joining anything that sounds progressive--like Kerry Meetup Tonight, to give out flyers(you don't have to stay and can even go to a few--look at the rsvp list to see if more than one is scheduled in your area). I've been doing that and there is great interest. Go to indymedia.org and find your city on the left side and try protest.net and find your city to find what political events are happening in your area to leaflet. If the timing isn't good try putting them in bookstores, under windshields, under doors, and giving them out at any busy place, as well as just bringing them with you for friends, co-workers, acqaintences.  And if possible get people to sign your email list where you can send them updates on verified voting, etc.

--Please Cut and Paste The Following Into Your Word Processor: Make Sure the Formating Is Right--the Heading Should Be Larger-- and it all fits on one page-- and don't forget to do the calls, faxes, and emails yourself (It doesn't matter if your've done it before!) as well as leaflet others!

(1) We need to pass HR2239 and its companion bill in the Senate S.1980 to mandate a paper receipt by this presidential election for the new electronic voting machines which computer programers warn are prone to hacking and errors and are run by companies owned by Republican (the CEO of one promised to "Deliver votes to Republicans"!) see www.VerifedVoting.org for more info.

(2) We need to pass H. R. 4250 which will prevent people from being purged from the voting rolls for mistakenly being labeled as felons nationally. This happened in florida, and as a result tens of thousands voters--predominantly African Americans were wrongly purged.

ACTIONS: Do as many as you can ASAP and the rest later, but do something!) To find out who your representative is or to find other contact info, like emails-- which are less effective than calls and faxes but still count--for these representatives, go to congress.org

1. Call Your Senators 1800-839-5276 and ask them to Co-sponsor S.1980, tell them it is better than the merger bill because it has not state exemptions and ask them to try to get Clinton to get rid of the state exemption language in the merger bill. (Try to call a few times a week since confusion about the Senate bill is stopping momentum for National Verified Voting.)

2. CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN 1-800-839-5276, ask for his or her office and Ask

To Co-Sponsor Both HR2239 and HR4250

3. Call Hillary Clinton at (202) 224-4451 or fax her at 12022280282 And Ask Her To

Take Out The State Exemption From Her Verified Voting Legislation

4. Call/Fax Democratic Senate Leader Senator Daschle and ask him to
Provide Leadership To Get Senators Behind S.1980 because it does not include the state exemption that is in the merger bill. Also ask him to influence Clinton to get rid of the state exemption language in merger bill Call (202) 224-2321 and/or Send Fax12022246603

5.Call Democratic Congressional Leader Pelosi and ask her to provide leadership to Get House Members to Co-sponsor Both HR2239 and HR 4250 Phone: (202) 225-4965 Fax: (202) 225-8259

6. Contact Congressman Ney: Call (202) 225-6265 and/or Send A Fax 12022259957, Asking Him To Stop Blocking HR2239

7. Voters Unite --unique campaign to get "myth busters" about voting machines into to hands of election officials and both local and national representatives. go to votersunite.org

8. To find out what is happening in your state concerning state bills for verified voting go to http://www.verifiedvoting.org/states.asp

Want to know more? Do more? Go to www.VerifiedVoting.org click on "take action" to get updates, volunteer, donate

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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