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Paul succumbs to another beating from Ralph

I think that people have to teach me stuff by example to make my brain work.

Quite a few people have a privacy issue with their ballots. I don't happen
to be one of them. However, I should want to support other people's issues
about their privacy. I couldn't very well call myself a Libertarian if I
denied them that.

So while re-addressing this issue of whether or not somewhat individual
marking belong on a ballot or not, I have come to the conclusion that almost
any voter can be easily identified by whomsoever would desire to achieve
that goal. Whether or not these markings are lawful or not, with them any
ballot can be retracted to who cast it.

Even if the barcode for sequence number is drawn randomly or issued in
sequence, or that they are repeated in separate precincts will not matter.
The presence of a precinct number barcode should be enough of a
cross-reference to find the voter. But we also have the ballot style
barcode, so there are three points of identification.

For me personally, I am trying to balance out the ideals of protection of
ballot fraud and personal privacy. I would lean towards fraud protection.
And that's largely because I don't care about who sees my vote.
But if I am to support the large majority that does care, then I would have
to deny my own personal freedom of expression. I understand the needs of
others, but have my own ideas.

I want it understood that while we dislike the method of ballot tracking and
fraud protection now being employed, we should continue to seek a method of
protecting ballot duplication and multiple ballot casting.
For the moment, and likely in the coming election, it is unlikely that
elections officials are going to adopt an alternative method.
AND I truly believe that this election will have a marked increase in
attempts at ballot fraud.

I'm still not sure that Ralph is right about the law, but Donetta Davidson
certainly is not. Above all Americans seem to have the idea that secret
ballots are of import, and the method that Ralph has been shining lights at
for me does not support privacy.

Paul Tiger