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Re: Boulder County DA Should Investigate County Elections Office, Instead

Maybe I'm being stupid, but I still don't get it. If I want to buy somebody's vote, I offer to pay them some money if they vote for my guy. I tell them to make a special squiggle on the ballot. Then I get that extra disk you talked about. I don't need that mark to be on the ballot beforehand.

Or, if we're assuming that I have help from an unscrupulous employee, why don't I just ask that employee to help me set up a hidden video camera in the polling places?

Or better yet, if I'm buying votes, why not just ask someone to video casting their own ballot?

I would argue that whether or not the mark exists on the ballot beforehand is moot. If people want to buy votes now, they can. Since vote buying can be accomplished either way, I think that it is more important to look at other issues. Like this one, if I WANT to keep my ballot a secret I should be able to do that. So, does having this mark on my ballot make it possible for someone to link me to me ballot without my consent?

Ralph Shnelvar wrote:

A 100 gigabyte drive can be purchased for about $100 and easily fits in a
coat pocket.

A relatively simple computer program could scan those 100,000 JPEG images in
a few hours for the identifying marks.

Now it becomes trivial for people to sell their votes and easy for an
unscrupulous vote buyer to determine if what the buyer paid for was actually
delivered.  All it takes is an unethical worker at the County CLerk's office
to make an extra copy of the scanned images and then tuck the extra disk
drive in the worker's pocket for sale to a vote buyer.

Very, very scary.


My razor-sharp wit was confiscated at airport security.