For Immediate
Release Contact: John B. Kenney
Kathleen Wynne-(216) 926-1327
John Kenney is
available in New York City
for interviews and in-studio appearances.
Teacher On Hunger Strike Until Bill Enacted to
Ensure Voting Security, Demands Hand Counted Paper Ballots Be Used In Federal
New York City - John B. Kenney is now into his
fourth day. He has gone on a hunger strike to protest what he says is a
corrupt system of voting. He states “Paper Ballot.. Make sure they Count
He will stay on his hunger strike for 30 days until emergency
measures are passed ensuring that paper ballots are counted or until November
2, 2004.
Kenney points to recent polls that show American’s lack of
confidence in voting systems that produce no verified paper ballot ensuring
that they cannot be either counted or audited to show the voter’s intent,
or to ensure meaningful recounts, if necessary.
Key Fact: 30%
of the electronic voting machines in this country have no paper receipt, and no
way to recount the vote if there are questions about the result. This is a
set-up for election fraud. Computer voting machines are easy to interfere with.
The software can easily and secretly be changed to produce fraudulent results.
The private companies who make these machines are keeping the software secret.
Not even election officials can see it.
Kenney says “the only way to avert a national crisis in the
upcoming election is to make sure that paper ballots are counted.
He says he is
willing to go the distance, but there is a bill in place which could be enacted
and implemented in 30 days to preserve our freedom to vote. If not enacted he
will do whatever it takes to get people to realize the peril our democracy
foundation of our democracy is at stake. I am willing to visit death, if
that’s what I have to do to bring peoples’ attention to this critical
fundamental issue, ‘one person – one vote’. Paper Ballot..
Make sure they count it.
Kenney believes
we are headed for another questionable election because our election process
allows for votes to be counted in secret, with computer software that has been
proven time and time again to be consistently unreliable and subject to
malicious tampering, without detection.
Kenney will
hold an informal news conference for media to meet him and to ask questions and
hear more on his views.
Date: Tuesday
Sept 14 10 AM
Steps of the New York
Public Library, 6th Ave
and 42nd St.
For more
information visit
Call for media
kit or to arrange an interview with John B. Kenney.
Contact: John
B. Kenney (646)266-5301 or Kathleen Wynne-(216) 926-1327
or email
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