Evan, Glad you like it. For further enlightened thnking, tune into KPFA or listen online at www.kpfa.org. There are several programs on that flagship station of the Pacifica network, namely Guns and Butter (wednesdays), Flashpoints (Monday - Friday), Against the Grain (especially Monday - Friday), and more. KPFA was the first listener-sponsored radio station in the U.S.; it was founded in 1949 by conscientious objectors from W.W.II. There, you'll hear talks by the likes of Arundhati Roy, Howard Zinn, Greg Palast, Mike Ruppert, et al. -- people who want to shift the paradigm and help us out of the pit of denial this country and many others in this world are in, which pit is in large part brought to us by the ruling elite via their spin on How Things Should Be (for their benefit). Nan Evan Daniel Ravitz wrote: http://www.solari.com is great. -Evan On Sun, 7 Nov 2004, Nan Schweiger wrote:Therefore...? What are you going to do? It seems no more than an exercise in churning if all we do is talk about it. How about democracy from the ground up ... it's the only thing I can think of that will work at this point. A start in that dirrection can be found at http://www.solari.com. Nan Some Guy wrote:Personally I think it matters little if we find that Skerry actually won. Skerry Kerry was a paid plant. He was paid to run and lose. Bowed out gracefully never to be heard from again. Or he wasn't paid, but his campaign staff were. Stooges. Fight the stupid fight. Talk about non-issues. Look like an ass. Flip-flop>from day to day. Look serious, but don't be. Parrot Bush. Mimic opposites.Rah Rah - Blah Blah - Sis Boom Bah - vote for me because I am the opposite of the other guy, but can't tell you what my platform is because I don't have one - just like my employer doesn't have one either. Complete crap. Then concede before the ballots are counted and go back to being Senator Milquetoast. Two sides of the same card - joker and 2 of puppy dogs feet |