CFVI Update: Friday, December 03, 2004
Issue: 19
Click on any highlighted link below for more
We hope to see you at one of our meetings, and
please invite your friends. We have a job to do, and we need all the hands
and dollars that can help. Don't forget to visit our website, where several
FORUMS about this election are in progress, and you can contribute your
thoughts! You can now donate on-line at our website, at, and
register there to join a committee or share your thoughts with
Volunteers are needed to help with verifying the vote
in Arapahoe County next Monday, December 6 from 12 noon to 3 p.m. The work
will take place at the Arapahoe County Administration Building at 5334 S.
Prince Street in Littleton. To get there take I-25 to the S. Santa Fe
exit. Take the exit and go south on Santa Fe to Prince. Take a left on
Prince. The building is on your left at that intersection. If you are from
Boulder and want to help, meet at the RMPJC, 205 Canyon at 11 a.m. sharp to
If you can help please RSVP to Cindy at prairiebookkeeping@xxxxxxxxxxx, so
we know how many volunteers we have.
CFVI: Calendar of Events:
Event Date: Nov 09, 2004 - Dec 31, 2004
Meetings - CFVI Meeting:
Our group, Coloradoans for Voting Integrity, a non-partisan group, urges
citizens to join together to defend our democracy and our vital right to a
fair vote. Please join us this Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. at 1516 Xavier
Street to help us, or visit us at and consider donating.
out more.
Event Date: Dec 11, 2004
Saturday, December 11, 2004, at 12 noon
Colorado State Capitol building, west steps (Colfax Ave and Lincoln St.
in Denver)
Bring kids, friends, drums and spirit. Come let the media know what you
think of their cowardice and complicity. Does it make any sense that
media mutes coverage of widespread vote fraud reportage here in Colorado
and the U.S. while getting all hopped up about election irregularities in
Speakers and music are being arranged, but will include experts on
computer and vote security from Coloradoans for Voting Integrity
( and speakers with contact from the recount campaigns in
Ohio, Florida, New Mexico and New Hampshire.
After the rally, we'll march to the Rocky Mountain News and Denver Post
offices and provide them with fact sheets and stories on electronic vote
This is a legally permitted rally and march, sponsored by the Mercury
Coalition for Honest Elections.
For information on this issue, visit:
out more.
Latest News Articles:
![]() | Recap of November 30th
Meeting |
Short recap of our outreach meeting. There
were 5 people from the Mercury coalition for Honest Elections.
They are gearing up in a big way for the rally on Dec. 11th. They want
us to present as much Colorado info at the rally as possible. Hopefully
I will hear from Fair Vote and EP to schedule a meeting and see about
their results. We probably need to analyze our data more. ie.
discrepancies between dre/ os /hand count in voter turn out, etc.
Claudia came to our meeting on Xavier, and went to the one on
They also suggested trying to up the heat on a national basis, perhaps
using Dec. 11th as a day to come out all over. They have some contacts
with groups across the country, and we talked about Aaron and Jason and
their ties to True Majority. Aaron, what is True Majority doing about
this? Do you think they would take this up at a national level? How
about publicizing the rally on Dec. 11th?
Kali, who also works with Denver Voice web site wants to pursue the felon
problem, identifying people scrubbed from voting rolls and then
identifying people. I told her that we have had faster response on our
FOIA requests with journalist credentials. Aaron and Linda, could you
tell her how to do that? She has press credentials. She also wants to
write articles about info we are coming up with. I told her I would run
it by Bob.
She also handles a lot of the web information for the Mercury Coalition.
She asked if we would share our contacts with local groups, so the other
groups could post their announcements. I told her that was ok. Carolyn,
you and I need to see what we have for her.
Thanks for all your great work everybody!
Posted by: Laurieannb on 2004-12-03
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![]() | RESULTS: CD
7 |
If there was error or malfeasance, it occurred at the precinct level. The
County central tabulations data matched the polling place samples.
Preliminary results of additional, more detailed studies of over and under
votes indicate some potential abnormalities at the precinct level in
Arapahoe County, according to Claudia Kuhns.
I apologize for the length of time that it has taken to develop the CD 7
results. Arapahoe County was not able to produce the raw data until
Monday afternoon, November 28, 2004. That is the last day to contest the
Posted by: lseaborn on 2004-11-29
![]() |
![]() | Olbermann Keeps Shedding
Light on the Possible Theft of the Election
'04 |
Countdown w/
Keith Olbermann
Hanging Chads and Hanging Participles (Keith Olbermann)
November 22, 2004 | 11:15 p.m. ET
NEW YORK - You don?t have to wait for the Ohio Presidential Recount to get
confused. Just pay attention to the recasting of news releases from the
Ohio Democratic Party.
Early Monday afternoon, Ohio Chairman Dennis White released a comparative
bombshell inside the still tiny world of the Recount-Conscious. It bore
the headline ?Kerry/Edwards Campaign Joins Ohio Recount? and advised that
?assuring Ohioans receive an accurate count of all votes cast for
president has prompted the Democratic Party to join the initiative to
recount the results of the November 2 presidential election.?
But by 8 p.m. Eastern, a second press release was out, with two notable
tweaks. Now the headline read ?Kerry/Edwards Campaign Participates In Ohio
Recount,? and the lead sentence read ??has prompted the Democratic Party to
participate in the initiative to recount the results??
The switch from ?join? to ?participate? reduces the Democratic commitment
from virtual co-sponsorship to nearly the level of acquiescence. In late
afternoon, Ohio Dems? spokesmen Dan Trevas told us that the remains of the
national Kerry/Edwards campaign had approved the original press release and
?gave us the authority to proceed with this. Tomorrow we expect to have a
letter from them to Kenneth Blackwell? which would ask Ohio?s Secretary of
State to proceed with a recount.
Posted by: TresTresChic on 2004-11-23
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--News Release--
November 23, 2004
Contact: Kay Stimson
(202) 566-3100
[Washington, DC] - The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) today
announced plans to hold a series of public hearings to assess the impacts
of a federal election reform law on the 2004 election cycle. The
Commission will review election reform issues related to the Help America
Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) and craft voluntary guidance for the states. This
year marked the first presidential election cycle since the passage of the
landmark HAVA legislation.
"The lack of a major crisis on November 2 does not mean that we
can overlook all of the critical unresolved issues," remarked EAC
Chairman DeForest Soaries, Jr. "We will use these hearings to gather
information on a series of election topics, including election equipment,
statewide voter registration databases and provisional voting."
The EAC plans to hold its hearings in several regional locations at
the beginning of 2005. The cities will tentatively be identified and
announced as soon as possible.
In addition to the regional hearings, the EAC released a summary of its
top action items for 2005, including a series of state election data
voting system guidelines, statewide voter registration
recommendations, and studies on core HAVA issues, beginning
provisional ballots.
The EAC was created under HAVA, which authorizes $3.9 billion for states
to, among other things, replace outdated voting equipment, create a
statewide voter registration system, provide provisional ballots to ensure
that eligible voters are not turned away, make it easier for people with
disabilities to cast secret ballots on new voting equipment, improve poll
worker training and educate voters about their rights.
The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) is an independent commission
charged with promoting the effective administration of elections under
federal law. To learn more about the EAC, please visit
Posted by: Bob McGrath on 2004-11-23
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![]() | 4 House Dems Demand GAO
Election Probe |
by Matthew Cardinale
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) has asked to become the 14th
of the GAO letter demanding an investigation in electronic voting. This
information was confirmed by a staffer, Theresa, in the U.S. House
Judiciary Office, on November 22, 2004.
As of this writing, Schakowsky's signature has not been submitted to the
However, the GAO has received letters of concern with 13 signatories thus
John Conyers (D-MI)
Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)
Robert Wexler (D-FL)
Robert Scott (D-GA)
Melvin Watt (D-NC)
Rush Holt (D-NJ)
Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)
Louise Slaughter (D-NY)
George Miller (D-CA)
John Olver (D-MA)
Bob Filner (D-CA)
Gregory Meeks (D-NY)
Barbara Lee (D-CA)
Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
Also, Congressman Barbara Lee of California issued the following statement
on November 15th:
?The right to vote and the right to have our votes counted are both
fundamental to our democratic system of government,? said Lee.
?As elected representatives of the people, we hold a sacred responsibility
to every voter across this nation to ensure that their vote is counted and
recorded properly. We cannot, and we should not accept any flaws in our
election process.?
Julie Nickson, press secretary for Barbara Lee, added, "She signed it
because she was aware of the situation. We got some phone calls from
The letter, or set of letters, is addressed to The Honorable David M.
Walker, Comptroller General of the United States, General Accountability
The first letter begins, "We write with an urgent request that the GAO
immediately undertake an investigation of the efficacy of voting machines
and new technologies used in the 2004 election, how election officials
responded to the difficulties they encountered, and what we can do in the
future to improve our election systems and administration."
Particular concerns brought up are:
-The almost 4,000 votes awarded to Bush in Columbus, Ohio, reported by
the AP, which was only noticeable because more votes were recorded in the
precinct than there were registered voters.
-Votes lost on a local initiative in Florida because the computer
could only store so many votes.
-Apx. 4,500 votes lost in one North Carolina county.
-A glitch in San Francisco computers which caused many votes to be
-Florida's anomalous results where only districts with touch screen
voting had disproportionate votes for Bush than expected. This analysis
has since
been duplicated by a UC Berkeley professor and others.
-AP reports in Florida and Ohio of voters who stated when using
touchscreens, when they selected "John Kerry," that instead "George Bush"
would appear on the screen.
-Long lines in urban Ohio areas, to the point where voters left in
frustration after 8 or so hours. But that's not all. The second letter,
dated, November 8th, reported additional incidents.
-3,000 phantom votes were added by a Nebraska "vote tabulator" which
doubled the votes.
-22,000 North Carolina votes which later had to be added because the
computer initially discarded them due to system overload.
-21 voting machines in Broward County, Florida, malfunctioned,
eliminating prior votes that had been cast on them in this most-Democratic
county in the state.
-Warren County, Ohio's, bogus refusal allow independent monitoring of
vote counting based on a terrorist incident which turned out later to not
-Malfunctioning vote cassettes in Palm Beach, FL.
-Boxes of absentee votes discovered after the election in a Broward
County election office.
Notably, nine (9) out of the current 14 supporters are members of the
Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC). They are Barbara Lee (who is a
leader of the Caucus), along with John Conyers, Jerold Nadler, Melvin
Watt, Tammy Baldin, George Miller, John Olver, Bob Filner, and Jan
Schakowsky. According to the CPC website, there are currently 55
congressional members on the Progressive Caucus. For a list of members,
One notable Progressive Caucus member who has not signed on is House
Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who is also the current House Minority
Another curious absence is Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), former presidential
candidate, who otherwise is taking a prominent role in the Ohio voter
testimony hearings currently taking place.
Most mainstream media accounts actually still list there being 3
signatories, but that was only the first, original letter. CBS and others
have been reporting 6 signatories.
But, don't be sad. America isn't so far into hell in a handbasket that we
couldn't come up with more than 6 Representatives. We now have 14.
Posted by: Admin on 2004-11-23
![]() |
![]() | Media largely ignored
Berkeley study on Florida voting
irregularities |
The mainstream media have mostly ignored a statistical study conducted by
faculty and students of the University of California at Berkeley sociology
department on voting irregularities in Florida in the 2004 presidential
election that found major discrepancies in vote counts between counties
that utilized electronic voting machines (e-voting) and those that used
traditional voting methods. The study, released on November 18, determined
that President George W. Bush may have wrongly been awarded between 130,000
and 260,000 extra votes in Florida -- 130,000 if they were all "ghost
votes" created by machine error, or twice that if votes intended for
Senator John Kerry were misattributed to Bush.
Even though decreasing Bush's margin of victory by as many as 260,000
votes would not change the winner in Florida, the findings of the study
are still important. The study, at the very least, highlights the lack of
accountability in counties that rely on paperless electronic voting
machines, and, more generally, the lack of confidence inspired by a system
of elections that, as a November 18 article on noted, "so easily
creaked and groaned under the pressure."
Posted by: Bob Mcgrath on 2004-11-23
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