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FW: Paperless Voting finally rejected by the League of Women Voters

-----Original Message-----
From: Vincent J. Lipsio [mailto:Vince@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 4:01 PM
To: pklammer@xxxxxxx
Subject: Paperless Voting finally rejected by the League of Women Voters

   Yesterday, at their biannual convention, the LWV altered their 
position about verified voting; the complete resolution is below.

   There is a great deal of history behind this.  Many have long been 
amazed that the League of Women Voters both departed with their normal 
custom of formulating policy from the ground up, imposing the dogmatic 
position damning verified voting from the national organization, and had 
had the anti-democratic platform that they did, formerly having on their 
website and in their literature absolutely venomous propaganda against 
verified voting, supplied by voting equipment vendors.
   A couple of years ago, Dr. Barbara Simons ran as president of the LWV 
with this as her sole platform; she did not expect to win (doing this 
only to publicize the travesty of the LWV's position), but actually came 
close to so doing.  (I was among those who, at Barbara's request, helped 
with the effort.)  The result of that effort was the League's adoption of 
a position that was no longer explicitly hostile to verified voting, 
although many local chapters (including, I'm told, the Florida state 
organization as well as many local chapters in Florida) remained strongly 
in favor of paperless voting.
   Having personally lost track of what was going on, I learned about 
this year's effort only last week:  After our testifying to some members 
of the House Science Committee, Dr. Doug Jones and I were conversing and 
I learned that he was flying to Saint Paul, MN and together with Barbara 
Simons was scheduled to speak about the shortcomings of voting equipment.
   A few days later I learned of their success from the message which I 
Vince Lipsio
Gainesville, Florida

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE        Monday, June 12, 2006

Courtenay Strickland Bhatia, President & CEO, Verified Voting Foundation
+1 415 487-2255 work or +1 415 235-0126 cell, 

Bobbie Brinegar, Verified Voting Senior Political Advisor and League of 
Women Voters of the District of Columbia Board Member
+1 202-441-8068 cell, bobbie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Verified Voting Applauds League of Women Voters' Passage of Resolution in 
Support of Voter-Verified Paper Records, Audits

MINNEAPOLIS --- Verified Voting applauds the League of Women Voters 
(LWVUS) for its passage today of a resolution in support of 
voter-verified paper records and mandatory random manual audits of voting 
systems nationwide. The resolution was drafted by the League of Women 
Voters Minnesota (LWVMN) and put forward at the National League's Annual 
Convention, being held in Minneapolis.

Verified Voting's Bobbie Brinegar, Board Member of the Washington DC LWV, 
said "This support for voter-verified paper records, coming from the 
League of Women Voters, is truly a major step forward for election 
integrity. The League has long been a credible and reliable force in 
safeguarding our nation's elections."

Barbara Simons stated, "I'm thrilled that the League has reaffirmed its 
core value of protecting the citizens' right to vote and have that vote 
accurately counted." Dr. Simons is a Board member of Verified Voting, and 
past chair of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Several state Leagues, like Minnesota's, have been instrumental in 
supporting the passage of legislation for voter-verified paper records.

The "Resolution Related to Program Requiring a Voter-Verifiable Paper 
Ballot or Paper Record with Electronic Voting Systems" reads as follows:


Some LWVs have had difficulty applying SARA Resolution (Secure, Accurate, 
Recountable and Accessible) which passed at the last convention, and


Paperless electronic voting systems are not inherently secure, can 
malfunction, and do not provide a recountable audit trail,

Therefore be it resolved that:

The position on the Citizen's Right to Vote be interpreted to affirm that 
LWVUS supports only voting systems that are designed so that:

a) they employ a voter-verifiable paper ballot or other paper record, 
said paper being the official record of the voter's intent; and

b) the voter can verify, either by eye or with the aid of suitable 
devices for those who hve impaired vision, tht the paper ballot/record 
accurately reflects his or her intent, and

c) such verification takes place while the voter is still in the process 
of voting; and

d) the paper ballot/record is used for audits and recounts; and

e) the vote totals can be verified by an independent hand count of the 
paper ballot/record; and

f) routine audits of the paper ballot/record in randomly selected 
precincts can be conducted in every election, and the results published 
by the jurisdiction.

- end -

Verified Voting Foundation, 1550 Bryant St., Suite 855, San Francisco, CA 
94103, +1 415 487-2255 telephone www.verifiedvotingfoundation.org

Folks, breaking news: The League passed a resolution at their convention 
in support of VVPR. Here's the link, and the text of our press release 
APPLAUDING this (at long last). High-fives to the Minnesota LWV for 
drafting the resolution. -- Pam


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE        Monday, June 12, 2006

Courtenay Strickland Bhatia, President & CEO, Verified Voting Foundation
+1 415 487-2255 work or +1 415 235-0126 cell, 

Bobbie Brinegar, Verified Voting Senior Political Advisor and League of 
Women Voters of the District of Columbia Board Member
+1 202-441-8068 cell, bobbie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Verified Voting Applauds League of Women Voters' Passage of Resolution in 
Support of Voter-Verified Paper Records, Audits

MINNEAPOLIS b?? Verified Voting applauds the League of Women Voters 
(LWVUS) for its passage today of a resolution in support of 
voter-verified paper records and mandatory random manual audits of voting 
systems nationwide. The resolution was drafted by the League of Women 
Voters Minnesota (LWVMN) and put forward at the National League's Annual 
Convention, being held in Minneapolis.

Verified Voting's Bobbie Brinegar, Board Member of the Washington DC LWV, 
said "This support for voter-verified paper records, coming from the 
League of Women Voters, is truly a major step forward for election 
integrity. The League has long been a credible and reliable force in 
safeguarding our nation's elections."

Barbara Simons stated, "I'm thrilled that the League has reaffirmed its 
core value of protecting the citizens' right to vote and have that vote 
accurately counted." Dr. Simons is a Board member of Verified Voting, and 
past chair of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

Several state Leagues, like Minnesota's, have been instrumental in 
supporting the passage of legislation for voter-verified paper records.

The "Resolution Requiring a Voter-Verifiable Paper Ballot or Paper 
Record" reads as follows:


Some LWVs have had difficulty applying SARA Resolution (Secure, Accurate, 
Recountable and Accessible) which passed at the last convention, and


Paperless electronic voting systems are not inherently secure, can 
malfunction, and do not provide a recountable audit trail,

Therefore be it resolved that:

The position on the Citizen's Right to Vote be interpreted to affirm that 
LWVUS supports only voting systems that are designed so that:

a) they employ a voter-verifiable paper ballot or other paper record, 
said paper being the official record of the voter's intent; and

b) the voter can verify, either by eye or with the aid of suitable 
devices for those who hve impaired vision, tht the paper ballot/record 
accurately reflects his or her intent, and

c) such verification takes place while the voter is still in the process 
of voting; and

d) the paper ballot/record is used for audits and recounts; and

e) the vote totals can be verified by an independent hand count of the 
paper ballot/record; and

f) routine audits of the paper ballot/record in randomly selected 
precincts can be conducted in every election, and the results published 
by the jurisdiction.

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