Joe, It is very important that the rows and columns of any election
cost data be correct, and that the non-cost elements of an election be quantified
and given appropriate priority in the data to be used for decision-making. Columns: For example, an election day
polling place only election, with no early voting and minimal absentee voting, should
cost less than other combinations. By overloading the polling place
election with permanent mail voters, and early voting, costs are unnecessarily
increased. Non-cost elements: For example, in-person
voting is much more likely to accurately verify that the person who marks and
casts the ballot is the eligible elector they claim to be. There is no
evidence that I know of that shows that election judges can reliably determine
that a return envelope signature is not photocopied or forged. Turnout is not the critical determinant of election quality. Al Kolwicz Colorado Voter Group 2867 Tincup Circle Boulder CO, 80305 303-494-1540 From: joseph richey