CFVI Update: Thursday, October 14, 2004
Issue: 16
Click on any highlighted link below for more
How confident do you feel that your hard work to elect your candidate
will pay off this election?
What if it was rigged to fail? What if close results push us into a
recount, but our systems aren't set up to perform recounts? What if
Colorado in 2004 becomes what Florida was to the 2000 election? It could
happen. Over half of the state's votes will be cast upon electronic
voting machines that do NOT offer a paper trail or any other method of
verifying that your vote was accurately captured when you touch the
Our group, Coloradoans for Voting Integrity, has labored for the past year
to work with our legislators, to hold rallies, to educate election
officials, to train volunteers, and to provide information to the media to
protect our votes.
Guess what?
The legislators have turned this non-partisan issue into a partisan
defense of our Secretary of State (Republican) and whatever (bad) advice
she has given.
The election community has circled the wagons against any critics or
people who might actually KNOW something about computer fallibility or
systems integrity, or election security processes.
The media has IGNORED our rallies, our letters to the editor, and our
appeals for common sense, using every contact as an opportunity to hand an
open mic or a blank slate for the election officials to repeat their
(un)assuring messages of blind trust in their (non-scientific)
So folks, it's time to pay to get our message out. We need your help to
pay for space ads in the Post, the News, on radio shows and, if budgets
allow, on television.
We have a team ready to produce videos or CDs containing various scenarios
showing what may happen if we allow this (non-protected) election to
transpire as if nothing is wrong. But duplication and distribution of
this information to the media takes money and time.
Won't you help? (Remember, by donating to CFVI, you are making a tax
deductible donation to safe elections!)
$1000 helps us fund one week of our PR firm to pitch these stories to the
press, or to arrange for press conferences and interviews for our story to
get heard in these remaining days before the election, or to write and
transmit media advisories and media kits.
$500 helps us fund production costs for filming and scripting videos for
distribution to the media and to election officials and county party
officials, or helps fund T-shirts for our volunteers.
$100 helps us buy 100 CD's to distribute to the media, containing video
messages, skits, and even clips from various TV shows that have already
commented on the dangers of use of these machines.
$50 helps us buy a couple radio spots on local talk radio.
$25 helps us pay for postage and supplies to take our message to the major
Party Chairs in the counties in Colorado that will vote by electronic
voting machines, or to buy buttons or a few T-shirts to make our
volunteers visible on election day, when we will act as poll
What will you say to the next generation when they asked what costs you
were wiling to pay to protect our democracy in this election?
For more info, please visit
CFVI and
Verified Voting
Bob McGrath, Director
P.S. Tight on funds? How about volunteering to help us? We need
volunteers to monitor the processing of absentee ballots. This is a
critical way to ensure that ballots don't get spoiled! WE want ballots to
be counted, and we need public oversight over our election officials to
make sure they're doing their job! Contact your favorite candidate or
campaign to volunteer to be a central counting poll watcher, in particular
for the absentee ballot or early ballot counting!
Don't forget, Oct 26 = last day for receiving a mail-in absentee ballot;
Oct 29 = last day to apply for a hand-carried absentee ballot.
Event Date: Oct 19, 2004
Meetings - CFVI Meeting:
We will be meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday night at the Maes Building on
Colfax & Xavier Streets in Lakewood, to discuss developing an intensive
campaign aimed at PR, increasing media coverage and focusing political and
people-powered pressure upon the Secretary of State's Office.
out more.
Event Date: Oct 26, 2004
Meetings - CFVI Meeting:
We will be meeting at 7 p.m. on Tuesday night at the Maes Building on
Colfax & Xavier Streets in Lakewood, to discuss developing an intensive
campaign aimed at PR, increasing media coverage and focusing political and
people-powered pressure upon the Secretary of State's Office.
out more.
Event Date: Nov 02, 2004
Other - US Election:
Election Day!
out more.
Latest News Articles:
![]() | E-Voting Vendors, Foes
Count Down To Election Day |
With accusations spreading about electronic
voting susceptibility to tampering, watchdog groups are calling on
computer experts to come to the polls not only to vote, but to watch
others vote.
So far the Verified Voting Foundation (VVF) has recruited more than 1,300
volunteers for its TechWatch program. Prior to the election, volunteers
will observe tests conducted by election officials to make sure the
equipment is working correctly. On Election Day, watchers will be posted
at the polls and filing web-based incident reports as necessary.
The Election Incident Reporting System is designed to allow volunteers to
rapidly collect information about election irregularities, and instantly
alert attorneys and technology professionals to potential problems.
Here's a link to the article
Posted by: Admin on 2004-10-13
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Posted by: Earache on 2004-10-13
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![]() | E-Voting Machine Crash
Deepens Concerns |
A computer crash that forced a pre-election
test of electronic voting machines to be postponed was trumpeted by
critics as proof of the balloting technology's unreliability.
The incident in Palm Beach County ? which is infamous for its hanging and
pregnant chads during the 2000 presidential election ? did not directly
involve the touch-screen terminals on which nearly one in three U.S.
voters will cast ballots on Election Day.
Here's a link to the article
Posted by: Admin on 2004-10-13
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![]() | Diebold and the
Disabled |
Many disabled groups have been supporting
electronic voting machines, going so far as suing states for not
installing the machines. I've never understood the reasoning for this.
Sure they allow people to vote without assistance, but what happens if
that vote in never counted. Wired has posted an article which suggests that lobbying by the disabled
may have more to do with money than equal access. Sounds like a touchy
Here's a link to the article
Posted by: Earache on 2004-10-13
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![]() | Letter to Colorado
Secretary of State, Donneta Davidson |
To the office of the Colorado Secretary of
Donnetta Davidson
Dear Ms. Lisa Doran:
You stated that ?Unfortunately there is well-documented historical proof
that elections conducted with paper ballots are easily subject to human
error and fraud.? But you failed to account for the more grievous fraud
that can be foisted on the electorate by an electronic system
? that does not provide paper ballot validation,
? that can be hacked by computer professionals,
? that can be manipulated by one or two lines of code,
? that does not allow for a meaningful ballot recount (not aggregate
? whose COUNTING software is not scrutinized and not publicized,
? whose Operating System software remains beyond the scrutiny of your
? whose machine code goes unchallenged by your tests, and
? whose owners? credentials are highly suspect and whose political bias is
widely known.
Your DRE voting solution, and this repetitive mumbo-jumbo that your office
continues to regurgitate is an affront to all computer professionals,
including me. We know how easy it would be to manipulate an election when
the results produced are only provided in AGGREGATE form instead of
itemized voting records, and when there is no paper ballot trail.
This is a serious matter. In computer parlance, redundancy of systems is
desirable for reliability and accuracy. But by not providing a paper
ballot trail your office has removed the most critical element from a
verifiable election.
Has your office validated the ES&S iVotronic machine code? The Operating
System? The software that counts the votes? Do you know why the ES&S
iVotronic machines only provide AGGREGATE data, summary data? You cannot
answer yes to any of these questions because ES&S, owned by Mr. Urosevich,
refuses to make public the machine code, the operating system code, and the
counting software code; he defends his actions on ?proprietary? grounds.
But we are talking about ?public? voting systems that should be
TRANSPARENT, and OPEN to public review and scrutiny. This system is
And why is your office so resistant to providing a paper trail?
The voting system in Colorado, with its 56.8% DRE electronic voting
machines, is vulnerable to corruption, and is thus unacceptable. There
must be a verifiable method for recounting ballots.
Posted by: Admin on 2004-10-12
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Latest Links:
Become An Election Protection Volunteer!
In the last presidential election, millions of votes were never counted.
Voters in minority communities were disproportionately disenfranchised
through illegal disqualification, intimidation, and faulty voting
machines. The nonpartisan Election Protection coalition needs you to stand
up and defend voting rights November 2!
Electronic Frontier Foundation
EFF E-Voting
The 2004 presidential election might not be flawed like the last one was;
it might be even worse. Communities across America are purchasing
electronic voting (e-voting) machines, but the technology has serious
security problems that aren't being addressed. Most of the machines use
"black box" software that hasn't been publicly reviewed for security.
Almost none provide voter-verifiable paper ballots to detect fraud. A
recent analysis by several academic researchers outlines the many and
varied ways that anyone from a technically proficient insider to an
average voter could disrupt an e-voting system to defraud an election.
The response of some of the companies that make e-voting machines has been
even more upsetting. Instead of embracing close technical review and public
interest in its products, one of the three major manufacturers of these
machines has embarked upon a campaign of sending cease-and-desist letters
to those who criticize it. The company first sent one to the academic
researchers and then later sent many to individuals and groups who
republished internal email messages that reveal both the problems with the
systems and employee attempts to cover up those problems.
E-Voting technology is promising, but its benefits should not obscure its
dangers. Without basic auditing checks, these machines dramatically
increase the chances for undetectable election fraud. This archive is a
resource in the fight for accountable elections and responsible voting
NOTE: More information on all litigation related to verified voting is
available at
Contact the Congress!
Contacting the Congress is a very up-to-date database of congressional
contact information for the 108th Congress. As of August 14, 2004 there
are 520 email addresses (of which 448 are Web-based email homepages), and
540 WWW homepages known for the 540 members of the 108th Congress. More
traditional ground mail addresses are available for all
Voters Unite!
About Us
We believe we can make a difference, but we can't do it alone. We need
you, too.
Our highest priority is to work toward elections in which we can be
confident. We have been very active in the fight for verifiable voting,
and we feel an urgency to participate in unity of action with all the
diverse groups and individuals who now consider themselves 'voting
activists' as well as those who have recently become concerned about
elections in the United States.
Ellen Theisen worked with from August 2003 through
March 2004. She spearheaded the volunteer lobbying efforts that tripled
the number of co-sponsors for H.R.2239 and led to the introduction of
companion Senate bills. She is now dedicated to unifying activists in an
effort to secure our elections.
Peter Johnson, activist, grassroots mobilizer, and founder of Helping to free information and encourage civic
participation, he has assisted various organizations working for election
accountability and transparency.