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CallItDemocracy.com - documentary film to include Boulder

Matt Kohn is an independent filmmaker from New York who is finishing
the final version of his documentary on elections:


A preview has already been shown, but the final version won't be out
until January.

He came out to Colorado to report on amendment 36 (on the electoral
college) and Al invited him to to see what was going on in Boulder.
He thought he'd only stay for an hour, but ended up doing a lot of
filming of the counting process last Thursday night, and also
interviewing a number of local folks.

Stay tuned for the final version....

Whic reminds me - we need to challenge the rules that restrict
pollwatchers from making any kind of recordings (can't even carry a
palm pilot!).  Thank goodness for at least some coverage from the

Neal McBurnett                 http://bcn.boulder.co.us/~neal/
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